

Today was rough, really rough. I was sitting at my desk trying to get some shit done and all I hear is the laughing of the stupid girls hanging out at the cubicle next to me. The sound of it was like nails on a chalkboard.

Did your mom ever tell you that you won't get along with everyone and that is okay? Well mine did. And I love her for it. Because if she didn't teach me that, I would be friends with these stupid bitches and have to talk about how much money they recently spent on their new car. I mean, who in the hell cares? So you paid $60k for a brand new SUV? WHY.WOULD.I.CARE? And why are you discussing this shit at work? Why are you telling people how much you paid for your house or car or your kitchen renovations? That's fucking tacky and it's not appropriate.

So I sat and I listened because we sit in cubes people! They do not have doors and the walls do not go to the ceiling so I can hear EVERYTHING. I heard about how much my co-workers husband makes, I heard their daughter is not that smart and has to be tested for ADD and I heard she was getting a boob job. Yes bitch, I know you are getting your tits done, and by the way, everyone will notice because right now you are flat as fuck, so people will know and they will judge you. I don't agree with the judging part entirely, but it will happen and stop thinking it won't!

So next time you are at your cube and talking, just remember, someone is always listening. And they might want to get up and punch you in the face to stop you from talking but they know they would lose their job, so they sit and they listen...and they will use this information against you someday....