
Working Mom

If you are a mom and you work full time for corporate America, you will completely understand where I am coming from with this post. I hate dropping my child off every morning for someone else to "raise". I hate sitting at my desk all day checking in on my phone to make sure the daycare is taking care of him. I hate that I don't have enough money to be a stay at home mom. I hate when my stay at home mom friends complain. I hate that I don't get to go out on the weekends because I feel bad for leaving my little one because I leave him all week long. I hate that I cry in my car on the way to work because I want to turn around and pick him up. I hate that I feel like no one understands how I feel. I hate that I really don't have anyone to tell this to. I hate that my husband and I don't make enough money to send my son to a better school. I hate myself as a mom. I feel like a failure.