
Starting Over

I was talking to a recruiter the other day and the first thing she asked me was; are you willing to start over? I don't know, I said it so quickly, maybe to quickly making me realize I don't know if I am willing to start over. New job, yes I want that, but to begin again, not sure if that is what I am looking for. To be paid less, to be the low man on the totem pole and to worry about layoffs. There is always the possibility of layoffs at my current job but I have been there so long, it is usually last in first out.

Starting over? Doesn't sound great unless I am moving to a Caribbean island to actually live and start that part of my life over again, but my career? I am not sure.

All these questions started rolling through my head and to be honest I don't even know where to begin...what am I going to do? Stay unhappy? Move on? Make less money but be happy?

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