
Working Hard

Do you work really hard every day but feel like you get no where? I do.
Do you try to volunteer for things and say yes to everything thinking it will get you somewhere? Me too.
Do you go to work thinking, today I will change my attitude and be happy to be here!? Me too.

If you are thinking the same things I do on a daily basis, you probably need to get a new job. I know I do!

It's hard though. It really is. I have worked really hard for the company I am at. I have stayed late, come in early, not taken vacation, done things that don't get recognized and still I am in the same position. No raises, no bonuses, no office. Just the same shit day in and day out. It's hard because I have invested so much time and energy into a company that doesn't see it that way. They don't see me at all. They don't care what I've done or how hard I have worked. And why not? Because I don't spend my time kissing their ass. I know I have said this before, but I am never going anywhere unless I get on the kiss ass train and ride it all the way to the top of kiss ass mountain.

So why not just kiss ass??? Well for one, I am not good at it. I can't fake it. I can't pretend to like management and I can't pretend that I like what they stand for. They are not good people in my eyes. I believe that hard work should be recognized and I think promotions should be given based on ability and not favoritism. This folks is never going to change!
Secondly, I see others kissing ass and it makes me want to vomit. I can't be that person. I couldn't sleep at night.
Lastly, I can't sleep my way to the top. You heard that! I refuse. I am happy at home. No need for extra credit...I will keep my mouth closed.

So kissing ass is not for me, working hard I guess it's time I move on. Anyone hiring? :)


  1. Have we meet? Is like we are living the same life!!! You are amazing!! Thank you for letting me know I am not alone.
    Mind you, this is my last week as a corporate minion.
    Will the next week be better? Will I succeed at my next job? Who knows. But I did it. I jumped and I am leaving!
    You. What are you waiting for?

    1. Thank you so much for reading! Congrats on the new job! I am slowly getting there, currently working on my resume.
      I'm glad I'm not alone in my feelings. Good luck to you!!

  2. As I celebrate margarita day at home, with lemonade (quit drinking too) your comment fills my heart with joy. Linkedin will work if you create a good one. Again thank you for your amazing words. You will get the job you want. And if that one sucks too(there's a chance it could happen for both of us) we keep swimming. Fortunately we have our words to spit out all the corporate bullshit we go through. Good luck!
