
Office Sex

We spend more time in our lives with the people at work than we do with our own families.
Because of this, more and more people are having sex in the workplace.
Think I'm joking? Look at these statistics.

In 2015, in Europe and America, sexually expressed tension is accepted at work. Still, it is not accepted by all people. Many still want to keep work purely professional. If this is the case, it often has the major negative impact on work dynamics. In more extreme cases, flirting can be seen as sexual harassment. If this is the perception, you can quickly find yourself in deep shit. (READ MORE HERE)
What we are seeing is that more and more people eventually accept the idea of sex on the job. As more people feel freer to express impulses, more people feel insulted.Sexual harassment, therefore, have a tendency to increase.
Major findings from the survey:
  • 85% say that colleagues should be allowed to have sex
  • 90% say yes to sex between colleagues that don’t work together
  • Only 36% think that sex with subordinates should be allowed
  • 92% said that your relationship with your colleague shouldn’t involve HR
  • 85% have dreamed of having sex with a colleague
  • 90% have been sexually attracted to a colleague
  • 64% have been hit on by a colleague and
  • 51% have wanted to have a sexual relationship with a colleague
  • 54% have had sex with a colleague
  • 54% have had sex with multiple colleagues over the years
  • 49% have had sex at the office
  • 90% are glad they had sex with colleagues and
  • 90% said that sex had either positive or no effect on work

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