

Am I delusional? How the hell do bloggers afford $500 shoes? And dresses? And $3000 handbags? I can't even pay my daycare bill without having a small heart attack. I am aware that they do get items for free, but not all these items. Not ever blogger is getting that new Celine handbag.
And how do they travel every fucking weekend? I'm sorry but its just not possible that all these girls are getting comped vacations and sometimes to the same cities. I don't get it. Or maybe I am missing something? I have mad money off of blogging in the past and have had a seriously following which helped, but I still could not afford the type of lifestyle these girls are leading. And I say girl because these are not women. Sorry, but a grown woman does not act that way on snapchat. And grown woman don't use snapchat to walk around new cities or talk about their finances.
I say all of this while I write this blog BUT I do not show pictures of myself eating out, or my son playing in the pool or anything that relates to my daily life because I do have a full time job that I do need to keep. Blogging is not my way of life or my income...and it couldn't be because I don't believe it would be in the amount of income actually needed to survive. How the FUCK do these bloggers do it? Daddy's money? Selling items given for free? Sugar daddies?

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