
The Struggle Is Real

The struggle to be a good wife, mom and worker is really taking over my life.
The holidays are upon us already my son has been invited to five Halloween parties and one Thanksgiving party. Seriously people, stop inviting my kid everywhere unless you know him. There is a new rule at most schools, and obviously at mine, that every kid in class has to get an invitation or you can not invite anyone. We don't want kids to feel like out ya'll! What the hell is wrong with people? So no one is going to learn that we don't all get along? These kids shouldn't judge each other and shouldn't fight and they should all play but eventually they will gravitate towards the friends they want and that's okay! When my kid turns three, he will not be inviting the entire class! I will be the back handed mom who sends a text or email asking only those kids that he likes to come....well actually just the kids whose moms I like cause what the hell does a three year old know anyways?

Secondly, I am trying to be a better wife. This is becoming difficult but completely my fault. I have been slacking on cleaning and cooking. I just don't feel like doing it. I want to relax when I get home.
Maybe it's the fact that the holidays are pretty much here and I know I will be hosting at least 20 for Thanksgiving. So why should I start cleaning now? I will just wait till the week before. I mean that makes complete sense to me! I will start cooking some more next week when Blue Apron comes to my door! Whoot Whoot! So excited try it! I am going to try Blue Apron first, then Hello Fresh, then Plated. I will do a review on all in about three weeks. This will hopefully keep my husband happy.

And work? Well I am not doing much there but complaining about benefits and if I will be getting a raise. I hate it. I hate every minute of it, but gotta do it. Have to suck it up, smile and wait to see what happens in this damn election before I switch from this corporation I work for.

Thanks for letting me rant!

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