
The Truth

There are some truths about Corporate America that I wish I knew before starting my job...

1. Butt Kissing - When I was younger I always thought that my talent would carry me to a great career, and that if I just produced, I would be promoted. However, talent only gets you so far, and you really have to kiss some major ass to get ahead in corporate America. In fact, I would argue that you don't even have to be talented to get ahead, if you're a really good ass kisser. I was passed over for a promotion one time for a guy who was not half as smart, or dedicated, or had numbers to support his promotion. However, he was a good butt kisser. I was shocked but no one else was, in fact one of my best friends at the company said, "I saw that coming. He had his head so far up the VP's ass, he could have performed a colonoscopy. "
Keeping reading here.....

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