
You're A Bitch

Do you ever look at someone and just think, how do you get through life?
I have several people I know like this and there is that one at work that I would like shake and say, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU. YOU ARE A BITCH. 
This person has a horrible personality, one that is fake and changes at the first site of management. This person talks highly to your face but is then nasty behind your back  (bitch we sit in cubes, I can hear you). This person thinks he/she is better than you, when in reality they are such a bad person you think they crawled up from hell and rode satan in to work that day. These people are bitches. Little fucking bitches that I can't stand. I don't know how you get through life and I don't know how the hell you have kept your fucking job all these years. 
Rant over. 

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