
Get The Job

I recently sat down with a friend who has worked in Human Resources since she was in college. It's her calling, she's really good at it and I hate her for it. She can walk into a room and talk to anyone, about anything. She is not shy, she asks the right questions at the right times and she knows when you are bullshitting. I decided to ask her (without giving her name) some tips so that you land that job.

1. Be professional. Your clothes, your hair, your resume, your handbag, your everything! Don't show up to an interview for a corporate job dressed the same as you would to interview at a bar. It's common sense to most, but not to all. 

2. Don't wear blue nail polish, or black, just don't.

3. Arrive on time, or early! If you are late I am moving on to the next candidate. 

4. No gum, do not be chewing gum!

5. Make sure you know what the company does. What they stand for, what they offer, even in the cliffs notes version, do your research.

6. Don't lie about what you've done in previous jobs. I will ask you questions and I will know by your response or the look on your face that you do not have that skill or ability. 

7. I don't want to see your boobs or your tattoos, cover that shit up. 

8. Make sure you can walk in your heels. 

9. Dudes, shave that damn beard. I realize you think it's in style, but really it's gross and you might be carrying around a small dog in there, I have no clue, but I don't want to see it. 

10. Wear deodorant, a little perfume goes a long way. 

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