
You Irk Me

I am obviously not good at drawing, and I have never claimed to be. But there is this woman at work that I absolutely despise and I swear that is what her hair looks like. And her eyebrows. She actually looks just like that awful stick figure I drew. I know you have the same person you work with that you physically can not stand to look at or be in the same room with.

It's not that I really hate this person. I mean, if she was stranded on the side of the highway I might stop to help, maybe. I mean it would take every ounce of me to actually pull my car over, put it in park and get out to ask if she needed help...when really I would want to pull over, put my car in reverse and ram the shit out of her vehicle. But anyways...I would help, really I would.

It's the fact that this person, she just irks me in so many ways. Her hair is awful, her clothes are awful, and her kiss ass attitude makes me want to vomit in my coffee daily. So I avoid, I avoid like she has a contagious disease all over her body and getting within five feet of her I would contract it. I pretend we are in The Walking Dead and I must do everything possible to keep from contracting this illness that will bring me death and possibly make me eat other people. I use copy machines on the other side of the office, wait till she is done in the bathroom to go, and legit decline meetings if she will be present. And the funny part of all of this? She either knows and continues to try to be around me, or she is so fucking dumb she has no idea I dislike her so badly. Well bitch, you irk me and the only way for others to know is to post this awful picture of you and your yellow hair.

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