
Get The Job Part 2

Get The Job Part 2. Straight from an HR Professional.

1. When you start the interview, look at me, make sure you make eye contact. Don't stare off into space or up in the air, or look down, look at my eyes!

2. Speak clearly and know what you are talking about. 

3. Bring an extra copy of your resume, shows that even though you know I have a copy, you took the extra step to print it out. Might sound dumb, but you would not believe how many times I am sent the resume but can't print it or the view is awful.

4. Don't pick your fingers, play with your pen, or mess with your hair.

5. Smile.

6. Make yourself stand out. Tell me something interesting. Make me remember you.

7. The last person I hired did not have the education that the other candidate had, but she did have a better attitude, better posture and her attire was on point. What does that tell you?

8. Before you come to the interview, practice with someone. Know what you are going to say.

9. If you want the job it will show, if you don't want it that will show too.

10. Relax, I'm a human, so are you, it's just questions, you can do it.

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