

I have talked about being a mother and how I suck at that. Now let's talk about how much I suck at being a wife. Lately I just feel like I am failing. Completely and utterly failing.
I can't seem to get anything done. The house is a mess, the laundry is piling up, I spend my day taking care of my son as much as I can because I feel like he needs me more than my husband. I find myself telling him to pick up dinner because I just don't have time and I know he loves a home cooked meal. I have been falling asleep earlier than usual and most of the time with my kid in the bed while he sleeps on the couch. I am failing at being a wife.

Being at everyones beck and call all the time is consuming and difficult. You want to make everyone happy but someone always gets left out, including yourself. I haven't had my hair done. My car needs an oil change and to be washed. I haven't done any Christmas shopping and I've been living in the same sweats for the past two weeks. What is wrong with me? I can't seem to get it together. I can't even sit and watch a movie with my husband, or even talk over a cup of coffee. He feels bad and completely unloved or wanted.

I'm lost, losing hope and wanting someone else to tell me they are going through or have gone through the same thing because I don't know how much longer any one can take it.

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