Gift Guide

Get The Job Part 2

Get The Job Part 2. Straight from an HR Professional.

1. When you start the interview, look at me, make sure you make eye contact. Don't stare off into space or up in the air, or look down, look at my eyes!

2. Speak clearly and know what you are talking about. 

3. Bring an extra copy of your resume, shows that even though you know I have a copy, you took the extra step to print it out. Might sound dumb, but you would not believe how many times I am sent the resume but can't print it or the view is awful.

4. Don't pick your fingers, play with your pen, or mess with your hair.

5. Smile.

6. Make yourself stand out. Tell me something interesting. Make me remember you.

7. The last person I hired did not have the education that the other candidate had, but she did have a better attitude, better posture and her attire was on point. What does that tell you?

8. Before you come to the interview, practice with someone. Know what you are going to say.

9. If you want the job it will show, if you don't want it that will show too.

10. Relax, I'm a human, so are you, it's just questions, you can do it.


I have talked about being a mother and how I suck at that. Now let's talk about how much I suck at being a wife. Lately I just feel like I am failing. Completely and utterly failing.
I can't seem to get anything done. The house is a mess, the laundry is piling up, I spend my day taking care of my son as much as I can because I feel like he needs me more than my husband. I find myself telling him to pick up dinner because I just don't have time and I know he loves a home cooked meal. I have been falling asleep earlier than usual and most of the time with my kid in the bed while he sleeps on the couch. I am failing at being a wife.

Being at everyones beck and call all the time is consuming and difficult. You want to make everyone happy but someone always gets left out, including yourself. I haven't had my hair done. My car needs an oil change and to be washed. I haven't done any Christmas shopping and I've been living in the same sweats for the past two weeks. What is wrong with me? I can't seem to get it together. I can't even sit and watch a movie with my husband, or even talk over a cup of coffee. He feels bad and completely unloved or wanted.

I'm lost, losing hope and wanting someone else to tell me they are going through or have gone through the same thing because I don't know how much longer any one can take it.

You Irk Me

I am obviously not good at drawing, and I have never claimed to be. But there is this woman at work that I absolutely despise and I swear that is what her hair looks like. And her eyebrows. She actually looks just like that awful stick figure I drew. I know you have the same person you work with that you physically can not stand to look at or be in the same room with.

It's not that I really hate this person. I mean, if she was stranded on the side of the highway I might stop to help, maybe. I mean it would take every ounce of me to actually pull my car over, put it in park and get out to ask if she needed help...when really I would want to pull over, put my car in reverse and ram the shit out of her vehicle. But anyways...I would help, really I would.

It's the fact that this person, she just irks me in so many ways. Her hair is awful, her clothes are awful, and her kiss ass attitude makes me want to vomit in my coffee daily. So I avoid, I avoid like she has a contagious disease all over her body and getting within five feet of her I would contract it. I pretend we are in The Walking Dead and I must do everything possible to keep from contracting this illness that will bring me death and possibly make me eat other people. I use copy machines on the other side of the office, wait till she is done in the bathroom to go, and legit decline meetings if she will be present. And the funny part of all of this? She either knows and continues to try to be around me, or she is so fucking dumb she has no idea I dislike her so badly. Well bitch, you irk me and the only way for others to know is to post this awful picture of you and your yellow hair.

Get The Job

I recently sat down with a friend who has worked in Human Resources since she was in college. It's her calling, she's really good at it and I hate her for it. She can walk into a room and talk to anyone, about anything. She is not shy, she asks the right questions at the right times and she knows when you are bullshitting. I decided to ask her (without giving her name) some tips so that you land that job.

1. Be professional. Your clothes, your hair, your resume, your handbag, your everything! Don't show up to an interview for a corporate job dressed the same as you would to interview at a bar. It's common sense to most, but not to all. 

2. Don't wear blue nail polish, or black, just don't.

3. Arrive on time, or early! If you are late I am moving on to the next candidate. 

4. No gum, do not be chewing gum!

5. Make sure you know what the company does. What they stand for, what they offer, even in the cliffs notes version, do your research.

6. Don't lie about what you've done in previous jobs. I will ask you questions and I will know by your response or the look on your face that you do not have that skill or ability. 

7. I don't want to see your boobs or your tattoos, cover that shit up. 

8. Make sure you can walk in your heels. 

9. Dudes, shave that damn beard. I realize you think it's in style, but really it's gross and you might be carrying around a small dog in there, I have no clue, but I don't want to see it. 

10. Wear deodorant, a little perfume goes a long way. 


According to all the Fashion Bloggers I follow, leopard is in this season. I'm sorry, when did it go out? I have been wearing this shit for years and I love it, but please don't act like it is a new thing!
I have put some of my favorites below. I can't afford these items but maybe one of you can.

The Tunic

I am a huge fan of the tunic top. I wear these all week and especially on casual Fridays. Reason? Well they cover up that little bit of bloat you get from being a woman during certain times of the month, but also when I have had to much wine and I feel like shit, it covers that up too....well not my face, but then my clothes aren't tight and annoying which makes my hangover that much worse!

The Struggle Is Real

The struggle to be a good wife, mom and worker is really taking over my life.
The holidays are upon us already my son has been invited to five Halloween parties and one Thanksgiving party. Seriously people, stop inviting my kid everywhere unless you know him. There is a new rule at most schools, and obviously at mine, that every kid in class has to get an invitation or you can not invite anyone. We don't want kids to feel like out ya'll! What the hell is wrong with people? So no one is going to learn that we don't all get along? These kids shouldn't judge each other and shouldn't fight and they should all play but eventually they will gravitate towards the friends they want and that's okay! When my kid turns three, he will not be inviting the entire class! I will be the back handed mom who sends a text or email asking only those kids that he likes to come....well actually just the kids whose moms I like cause what the hell does a three year old know anyways?

Secondly, I am trying to be a better wife. This is becoming difficult but completely my fault. I have been slacking on cleaning and cooking. I just don't feel like doing it. I want to relax when I get home.
Maybe it's the fact that the holidays are pretty much here and I know I will be hosting at least 20 for Thanksgiving. So why should I start cleaning now? I will just wait till the week before. I mean that makes complete sense to me! I will start cooking some more next week when Blue Apron comes to my door! Whoot Whoot! So excited try it! I am going to try Blue Apron first, then Hello Fresh, then Plated. I will do a review on all in about three weeks. This will hopefully keep my husband happy.

And work? Well I am not doing much there but complaining about benefits and if I will be getting a raise. I hate it. I hate every minute of it, but gotta do it. Have to suck it up, smile and wait to see what happens in this damn election before I switch from this corporation I work for.

Thanks for letting me rant!

Yep, You Hate It

Yep, you hate your job.
I hate my job.
Let's all hate our jobs together!
Forbes tells us what to do though when we feel this way.
Read it.

Shoe Love

I was recently talking to a woman at work, who seriously has the best shoes I have ever seen. She loves shoes and it shows. She wears a different pair everyday and I swear she has them in every color you can think of. I asked her why. She said well, I love them, they always fit and they can add a pop of color to any outfit. She always looks flawless too....she was wearing a pair for blue suede heels that I would die to own (but can't afford) with a white dress and she just looked so put together.
If you are like me though, and love the look but can't afford the price, I found some that fit in every budget. Add that pop of color to your outfit, even at the office, trust me, another woman will appreciate it.