
What Guilt Is Teaching You
Ever just felt this overwhelming feeling of guilt leaving your kid at daycare? Or when your friend has a birthday dinner planned but you can't make it because your babysitter fell through last minute? Or that you couldn't finish making dinner for your family because your kid was attached to your leg, wanting you to hold them instead of just playing on their own? Knowing that there was a huge stack of laundry that needed to be done but you just don't have the energy or the time really to acknowledge it. Guilty feeling that you aren't eating the best foods, your dinners aren't always healthy and that you turn the TV on to distract your kids so you can have five minutes alone.

That guilty feeling that you aren't putting enough money in your 401k, you can't afford a family vacation and you know looking back you will regret not being able to.
That in twenty years you will barely have enough saved to live off of and living pay check to pay check is hard but you don't know what to do about it.

The guilty feeling that your marriage is not what you want it to be but you don't know how to change it. You feel like you are failing as a mother daily and no one really understands when you talk about it. Guilty that you want to go to brunch, alone, and drink until you have to call an Uber to pick you up. But feeling guilty while you are doing it because you miss your kids.
Knowing that you should be taking your kids to the beach or the park or the zoo, but you would rather just stay at home and make memories there, because the work it takes to get going wears you out so bad that you are no longer fun when you get where your going.

Guilt, I have it everyday.

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