Sometimes I dream of going out. You know like back in your twenties when you worked a job you didn't care about and you used all your money for clothes, shoes and booze.
Friday nights were calling each of your friends, meeting at someones house and taking a cab to go out on the "town". Anyone else remember this and miss it?
I think back and I had a hell of a time. We would pregame at someones apartment, watch Sex and the City till 10, then meet up with all are favorite people to get wasted. We would pay to much for drinks, eat taco bell late at night and wake up on each others couches. And to think about doing it now? Well let's see....First, I would have to find a sitter, that means about $50 for one night, and staying out past midnight is out of the question. Since I can't stomach most alcohol after having a kid, I would be drinking wine, which limits my places to go. I have to take twice as much time to get ready because my skin and hair is no longer shiney and new, it's old and grey, seriously, I might have to do a root touch up before leaving. And what about clothes? What the fuck am I going to wear? I don't even know what's in style unless I look at a fashion blog and seriously, I can't deal with the rock studs anymore.
So really, I dream about going out. I dream about the fact that it used to be easy and fun. Now it's so much work I would rather sit on my couch, watch Netflix and drink my own wine. And pass out on my own couch, at a reasonable hour. Because the kid doesn't care if I am hungover or tired, he will still be up at 6am on Saturday.
And what ever happened to those people I did go out with? Where are they now?

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