BAD Office Attire

I will be posting a lot about what I believe is inappropriate office attire. I see this everyday and I will have to update you often on what the latest issues are. I work with a lot of women, a lot. We all have our own style and because we are all different ages we never have to worry about coming to work wearing the same sweater or shoes. But some of these women, they really stand out, and not in a good way.

Let's take a minute to break down the fashion mistakes that are made in the office EVERYDAY.
  • The Tight Button Down. You know what I'm talking about! Girl, those buttons are hanging on for dear life! Go up a size!
  • The Skirt That is WAY to Short. Do I need to elaborate here?
  • Bare Legs in Winter. No excuses for this...Walgreens, CVS and Rite-Aid all sell tights and I am pretty sure most of you pass one of these places on your way to work.
  • The Low V-Neck Top. We all know you had a boob job, Good For You! But we don't need to see your cleavage every damn day. Cover that shit up, I am pretty sure you will have plenty of time to show them off this weekend when your making bad choices.
  • The Wrinkled Outfit. Take a few minutes and iron your shirt! Seriously, you look like a teenager who rolled out of bed ten minutes before class.
  • Neon Anything. Just don't do it. Not in a corporate office. Leave that yellow skirt at home. And it's not just the color that is bad, the skirt is ugly and looks ridiculous.
  • Shoes That You Can't Walk In. If you sound like a donkey when you walk in them, you probably shouldn't wear them.
  • To Much Make Up. Just stop, please stop, you are not at the club.
  • Wet Hair. You're just being lazy. If you can't get up for work on time, please just show up late with DRY hair.
  • To Much Perfume. We can still smell the cigarettes and booze from the night before, so the extra perfume you just sprayed in the bathroom makes you smell extra bad. Maybe you should shower instead.
  • Like I said, I will probably have to update this list once someone else makes a fashion mistake, which I am sure will be tomorrow.

    I also hear a lot of women complain that we do sit in a cubicle every day so why should we have to follow a dress code...well I think that's because many people do all the above and no one wants to see it. We are supposed to be professional! Also, I did a post on dressing on a budget here. I realize that we can't all afford to wear designer or buy expensive clothes, there are alternatives out there!