Bunch of Morons

When you work the same job day in and day out you become immune sometimes to how things work. You just do those things, with no question, because you do them everyday. The same email requests, the same telephone calls, you answer the same questions and give the same answers day in and day out.
So when you work very close to someone and they seem to never know the answer to a simple question, the same question they are asked daily, you tend to wonder, how the fuck do you keep your job? And I definitely work wth a bunch of fucking morons.
Seriously! I can't even really explain without sounding like a raging bitch, how dumb some people are. And I can almost guarantee they make more money than me!
Does my own manager know how to do my job? Probably not. Moron.
Does the person who does the same job as me even know how to do my job? Probably not. Moron.
Does the person who asked me the same question they asked me yesterday even know what they are talking about? Probably not. Moron.
Corporate America is difficult. And at times just annoying. People are hired based on looks or first impression rather than their resume. They are hired based on who they know, not what they know. And no one even cares if they are educated. If you dropped out of college a few semesters short of graduating, you might be a moron. Sorry, but that is what I work with. People who gave excuses as the why they couldn't go to school or finish. When in reality, their excuses are partying, traveling and just having a damn good time. Well now we are paying the price, because you are a moron!
That's a rant and off topic a little, but I deal with it, I see it every day and I am just overly annoyed by it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is funny because it is so true! I can't even explain the stupidity I work with on a daily basis! Thanks for sharing!