Never Wear To Work

The 11 items you should never wear the work!

Bunch of Morons

When you work the same job day in and day out you become immune sometimes to how things work. You just do those things, with no question, because you do them everyday. The same email requests, the same telephone calls, you answer the same questions and give the same answers day in and day out.
So when you work very close to someone and they seem to never know the answer to a simple question, the same question they are asked daily, you tend to wonder, how the fuck do you keep your job? And I definitely work wth a bunch of fucking morons.
Seriously! I can't even really explain without sounding like a raging bitch, how dumb some people are. And I can almost guarantee they make more money than me!
Does my own manager know how to do my job? Probably not. Moron.
Does the person who does the same job as me even know how to do my job? Probably not. Moron.
Does the person who asked me the same question they asked me yesterday even know what they are talking about? Probably not. Moron.
Corporate America is difficult. And at times just annoying. People are hired based on looks or first impression rather than their resume. They are hired based on who they know, not what they know. And no one even cares if they are educated. If you dropped out of college a few semesters short of graduating, you might be a moron. Sorry, but that is what I work with. People who gave excuses as the why they couldn't go to school or finish. When in reality, their excuses are partying, traveling and just having a damn good time. Well now we are paying the price, because you are a moron!
That's a rant and off topic a little, but I deal with it, I see it every day and I am just overly annoyed by it!

I Hate You

Is anyone else super excited about the fact that the Scream Queens are back? I am well over thirty years old and I love this fucking show! I drink wine, I put the kid to bed and I binge watch on the weekends.....catching up on season one so that when it's raining this weekend I can sit and watch the new season while drinking more wine, eating lots of cheese and just being a lazy piece of shit for hours. Anyone else?

Let's Be Nice

I have been told, let's be nice.
Everyone tells me, let's be nice.
Well sometimes I don't want to be nice.
Especially when you are just a moron.
You have no idea what you are doing.
I have no idea how you get out of bed and function on a daily basis.
I can't always be nice.
I just can't.
Sometimes, I want to just go into a rage and yell at you like Michael from The Office.
So in order for me to survive work on a daily basis when I have to deal with you, I ignore you, I make faces behind your back and I go home and drink a lot wine.
And next time someone tells me to be nice, I am going to flip the fuck out.

BAD Office Attire

I will be posting a lot about what I believe is inappropriate office attire. I see this everyday and I will have to update you often on what the latest issues are. I work with a lot of women, a lot. We all have our own style and because we are all different ages we never have to worry about coming to work wearing the same sweater or shoes. But some of these women, they really stand out, and not in a good way.

Let's take a minute to break down the fashion mistakes that are made in the office EVERYDAY.
  • The Tight Button Down. You know what I'm talking about! Girl, those buttons are hanging on for dear life! Go up a size!
  • The Skirt That is WAY to Short. Do I need to elaborate here?
  • Bare Legs in Winter. No excuses for this...Walgreens, CVS and Rite-Aid all sell tights and I am pretty sure most of you pass one of these places on your way to work.
  • The Low V-Neck Top. We all know you had a boob job, Good For You! But we don't need to see your cleavage every damn day. Cover that shit up, I am pretty sure you will have plenty of time to show them off this weekend when your making bad choices.
  • The Wrinkled Outfit. Take a few minutes and iron your shirt! Seriously, you look like a teenager who rolled out of bed ten minutes before class.
  • Neon Anything. Just don't do it. Not in a corporate office. Leave that yellow skirt at home. And it's not just the color that is bad, the skirt is ugly and looks ridiculous.
  • Shoes That You Can't Walk In. If you sound like a donkey when you walk in them, you probably shouldn't wear them.
  • To Much Make Up. Just stop, please stop, you are not at the club.
  • Wet Hair. You're just being lazy. If you can't get up for work on time, please just show up late with DRY hair.
  • To Much Perfume. We can still smell the cigarettes and booze from the night before, so the extra perfume you just sprayed in the bathroom makes you smell extra bad. Maybe you should shower instead.
  • Like I said, I will probably have to update this list once someone else makes a fashion mistake, which I am sure will be tomorrow.

    I also hear a lot of women complain that we do sit in a cubicle every day so why should we have to follow a dress code...well I think that's because many people do all the above and no one wants to see it. We are supposed to be professional! Also, I did a post on dressing on a budget here. I realize that we can't all afford to wear designer or buy expensive clothes, there are alternatives out there!

    This Sucks

    Climbing the corporate ladder sucks.

    When Michael Kanellos--CNET News editor-at-large--asked me to do this blog, he said, among other things, "people spend their whole lives bitching about work and yet we never read about it." 
    "Well, yeah, that's true, but I want to write about dysfunctional executives and companies," I complained. "You know, I want to write about train wrecks." 
    "Sure, you can do that too," he said, the way an adult appeases a whining child. "But I'm telling you, focusing on career and management will be cool. You know the topic, you can be funny about it, and people care about it, yet mainstream media pays almost no attention to it."
    As I sat there, pondering the apparent wisdom of his idea, Michael delivered his coup de grace: "Climbing the ladder sucks and everyone is obsessed with it, yet few speak out on it."
    Wow, I thought, ain't that the truth. Perceptive guy, that Kanellos. KEEP READING...


    Am I delusional? How the hell do bloggers afford $500 shoes? And dresses? And $3000 handbags? I can't even pay my daycare bill without having a small heart attack. I am aware that they do get items for free, but not all these items. Not ever blogger is getting that new Celine handbag.
    And how do they travel every fucking weekend? I'm sorry but its just not possible that all these girls are getting comped vacations and sometimes to the same cities. I don't get it. Or maybe I am missing something? I have mad money off of blogging in the past and have had a seriously following which helped, but I still could not afford the type of lifestyle these girls are leading. And I say girl because these are not women. Sorry, but a grown woman does not act that way on snapchat. And grown woman don't use snapchat to walk around new cities or talk about their finances.
    I say all of this while I write this blog BUT I do not show pictures of myself eating out, or my son playing in the pool or anything that relates to my daily life because I do have a full time job that I do need to keep. Blogging is not my way of life or my income...and it couldn't be because I don't believe it would be in the amount of income actually needed to survive. How the FUCK do these bloggers do it? Daddy's money? Selling items given for free? Sugar daddies?