
Instagram Fashion

I am a sucker for fashion on Instagram!

Week From Hell

I haven't posted anything in a few days and I have needed to. But when I get home after a grueling day at the office, all I want to do is eat, play with my baby and have a huge glass of wine. I am doing all of those things right now. I am so happy it's Friday! I hate everyone I work with still and I am pretty sure they hate me...and I am pretty sure I don't care! Cheers to that!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Pencil Skirt

Pencil skirts are definitely a must have for the corporate world. Make sure you have a few in black and the ones below are under $25! No excuses ladies, those short skirts have to go!

The Manager

The Manager-the person that gets paid to tell you what to do on a daily basis.
Also the person you think....WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID? HOW ARE YOU MY MANAGER?

Everyday with the emails and phone calls and meetings and conference calls. And for what? For you to pass your work off to me and then take credit for it? For you to tell me that there is no way that you will ever be promoted, but if you could please finish that project ASAP that would be great.
Oh and if you could tell me what others are doing when I am not here, that would help me out a lot. And if you could come in early and stay late and make sure you don't put that on your timesheet, but don't tell anyone that's against corporate policy.

The Manager-the one person I love to hate, and hate to deal with.

You're So Mean!

I am pretty sure I hear this all the time.
It annoys me to no end.
Because in my eyes, I am not mean, I am honest, but if I say anything that someone doesn't agree with, then I'm mean.

I am a completely honest person. I don't believe in lying and I don't think that everyone is going to get along, we just aren't. Lately I keep hearing (and seeing on Instagram) that we as women should build each other up, not tear each other down. While I agree with this, just because I am not friends with you doesn't make me a mean person. By not being friends with you it doesn't mean I hate you or I am trying to be mean to you, I just don't want to spend what little time I have in the day to "hang out" with you.

So let's build each other up, yes let's do that. But I am going to build up the people that I love and the women that I believe are doing good. And I am not going to tell you something that isn't true. Think about it, why am I going to tell you I like your idea when I really don't? Am I going to lie to you? No, I'm not, I probably just won't comment or smile or go out of my way to talk to you about it. Does this make me mean? I can see how people would think that, but I am just being honest and TO BE HONEST, most people just want to be lied to, they don't want to hear the truth but I am not going to be that person that lies to you!

Case in point....women at my work.
There are a couple that are overly nice to everyone, very fake if you ask me. Always complementing on outfits or hair or asking about others families or children. You guys are really great at that, props to you. But let's also talk about those same women, meeting in the bathroom to snark on those people that they just told looked great. Now they are whispering and saying how ugly that skirt is, how your hair looks like shit and your kids are ugly. Yes, they said all of that and then turned around and said something completely different to your face. Yes, this is high school and grown women act like this.

So next time you say that I am mean, look in the mirror. I don't fake it. I am honest. Most people aren't.


Today was rough, really rough. I was sitting at my desk trying to get some shit done and all I hear is the laughing of the stupid girls hanging out at the cubicle next to me. The sound of it was like nails on a chalkboard.

Did your mom ever tell you that you won't get along with everyone and that is okay? Well mine did. And I love her for it. Because if she didn't teach me that, I would be friends with these stupid bitches and have to talk about how much money they recently spent on their new car. I mean, who in the hell cares? So you paid $60k for a brand new SUV? WHY.WOULD.I.CARE? And why are you discussing this shit at work? Why are you telling people how much you paid for your house or car or your kitchen renovations? That's fucking tacky and it's not appropriate.

So I sat and I listened because we sit in cubes people! They do not have doors and the walls do not go to the ceiling so I can hear EVERYTHING. I heard about how much my co-workers husband makes, I heard their daughter is not that smart and has to be tested for ADD and I heard she was getting a boob job. Yes bitch, I know you are getting your tits done, and by the way, everyone will notice because right now you are flat as fuck, so people will know and they will judge you. I don't agree with the judging part entirely, but it will happen and stop thinking it won't!

So next time you are at your cube and talking, just remember, someone is always listening. And they might want to get up and punch you in the face to stop you from talking but they know they would lose their job, so they sit and they listen...and they will use this information against you someday....

Reasons You Hate Your Job

Corporate America: the place where the majority of post grads will find themselves, for better or for worse (but, for the most part, the worse). There is no college class or prep course that can help you prepare for the reality you are about to embark on for the rest of your life. There’s no smooth transition as you begin your life as a corporate slave. You go from having the best four years of your life into a world of misery and greed.
Continue reading here


My favorites, need them all.

Things I HATE

  1. When people print and use the last of the paper and don't refill it.
  2. When you ask me to get you coffee.
  3. When you ask me to get you lunch because you are to busy.....cause I'm not doing anything!
  4. When you are passive aggressive.
  5. When you don't answer your phone but you are clearly not busy.
  6. When you ask me to lie for you.
  7. When people eat your lunch out of the fridge.
  8. When people drink the last of the coffee and don't make more.
  9. When you complain about your job but you have an office.
  10. When you stare at my chest even though you can't see my boobs through this shirt.
  11. When you kiss ass.
  12. When you act fake as fuck.
  13. When you bring fish for lunch and microwave it.
  14. When you are clearly sick but you come to work anyways.
  15. When you talk on speaker phone from your fucking cube.
  16. When you call your husband and he calls you twenty times a day.
  17. When you talk to your husband about what you ate for lunch, who gives a fuck??
  18. When your shoes don't fit and you walk around like a fucking donkey.
  19. When you don't get your hair done so you don't wash it for five days, it's nasty.
  20. When your complain about being cold but you are dressed for summer.
  21. When you smack your gum.
  22. When you eat your chips LOUDLY.
  23. When you stand outside my cube and wait till I am off the phone to ask me a question.
  24. When you whisper, bitch I can hear you, stop gossiping.
  25. When you cry! There is no crying in baseball!

Trust Your Gut

I talked here about bad office attire.
And today was the worst I have ever seen!
So I am going to give you some advice....TRUST YOUR GUT. If you look in the mirror and you question if an outfit looks good or bad, go with bad and put it back in your damn closet, or better yet the trash.

If this happens, please don't wear that outfit to work!
  1. It doesn't zip.
  2. It's to tight.
  3. You can see your cellulite through your tight ass pants.
  4. Stains.
  5. Camel Toe (put that away girl!)
  6. Holes. Is that a hole? Don't wear it!
  7. Buttons screaming for dear means your shirt is to tight!
  8. Open toed shoes with nasty toes.
  9. Toes that hang over your open toed shoe.
  10. Lace back shirts, do I need to say more?
Please make sure that you are looking at yourself in the mirror when you are getting dressed and if any of the above apply, please change. And trust your gut....and hide your gut if you can, no one wants to see it.


If I want to take a vacation, I have to save for months. Literally months. It's sort of depressing. I don't make the kind of money where I can just go off for a weekend adventure. Shit, I can't even go to the grocery store without checking my balance on my back account. Anyone else feel my pain?

So I am just sitting here in bed, drinking my $7 wine and dreaming about vacation, and what I would wear...cause a bitch needs to look good for that one vacation she gets a year.