Bikini Season Part 2

In The Buff

Wear To Work

I feel like I am always posting the same thing...what you should or should not wear to the office.
But still everyday the same people wear the same inappropriate stuff.
And they never change. And they just don't get it. But they aren't reading my blog so how can I fault them entirely.
Here is a good read in case you are still wondering.
What You Can (and Can't) Wear to Work

Bikini Season

As a mom I probably couldn't, or shouldn't, wear the bikinis below but it is nice to look. And remember when I had that body and I wish I would have appreciated it more!

Office Sex

We spend more time in our lives with the people at work than we do with our own families.
Because of this, more and more people are having sex in the workplace.
Think I'm joking? Look at these statistics.

In 2015, in Europe and America, sexually expressed tension is accepted at work. Still, it is not accepted by all people. Many still want to keep work purely professional. If this is the case, it often has the major negative impact on work dynamics. In more extreme cases, flirting can be seen as sexual harassment. If this is the perception, you can quickly find yourself in deep shit. (READ MORE HERE)
What we are seeing is that more and more people eventually accept the idea of sex on the job. As more people feel freer to express impulses, more people feel insulted.Sexual harassment, therefore, have a tendency to increase.
Major findings from the survey:
  • 85% say that colleagues should be allowed to have sex
  • 90% say yes to sex between colleagues that don’t work together
  • Only 36% think that sex with subordinates should be allowed
  • 92% said that your relationship with your colleague shouldn’t involve HR
  • 85% have dreamed of having sex with a colleague
  • 90% have been sexually attracted to a colleague
  • 64% have been hit on by a colleague and
  • 51% have wanted to have a sexual relationship with a colleague
  • 54% have had sex with a colleague
  • 54% have had sex with multiple colleagues over the years
  • 49% have had sex at the office
  • 90% are glad they had sex with colleagues and
  • 90% said that sex had either positive or no effect on work


My love of J.Crew has increased due to the fact that they have offered Free Shipping and extra percentage off....and the J.Crew Factory online has been even better! I'm still waiting on some of my items to come (free shipping means slower service but I don't care!!). 

Body Odor

In case you need the definition....

Body Odor -
  1. the smell of the human body, especially when unpleasant.

    Let's talk about the fact that at a certain age it is no longer okay for you to smell bad. I should not get into an elevator or stand behind you in line for coffee and smell your fucking body. I should not smell your scent. I should smell deodorant that is working or even you spraying to much cologne or perfume. I can stand that more than smelling your disgusting body odor. You fucking stink. Take care of yourself, take a shower, scrub the funk off your skin so that you don't smell like shit. 

    And maybe read this....5 Things Your Body Odor Says About You.  

The Office Bathroom

Oh the office bathroom.
We all use it.
And I am pretty sure at times we all hate it.
If you don't know how to use the bathroom properly, here are some really great ideas.

And then here are my observations from my own office.

The office bathroom is a communal place, we all use it.
So why are you constantly in there brushing your teeth? That's just gross, and mostly because someone else is in the stall taking a shit.
A big shit apparently. One that was held in till you got to work that morning.
Why do you wait till you get to work to take a fucking dump? I don't get it.
So while you are in one stall taking a dump, your co-worker is standing at the sink brushing her teeth.
That seems sanitary.
Then when you're done, you spray the shit out of lysol to cover up the smell.
Seriously people? The nasty smell of that damn spray is worse than your stinky shit.
Then you try to play it off when another co-worker walks in, OMG, I can't believe how much it smells in here blah blah blah.
We all know it was you, cause you do it all the damn time!
And why do people have to go to the bathroom at the same time. Hey, let me stop by your desk and pick you up cause we need to go piss together! This is not a nightclub, you do not need a buddy, we do not piss in pairs for safety. Go pee alone.
Also, if you could wash your fucking hands, not leave piss on the seat and wrap up your damn tampons so I don't see it in the trash that would be great. Thanks so much!


Sometimes I dream of going out. You know like back in your twenties when you worked a job you didn't care about and you used all your money for clothes, shoes and booze.
Friday nights were calling each of your friends, meeting at someones house and taking a cab to go out on the "town". Anyone else remember this and miss it?
I think back and I had a hell of a time. We would pregame at someones apartment, watch Sex and the City till 10, then meet up with all are favorite people to get wasted. We would pay to much for drinks, eat taco bell late at night and wake up on each others couches. And to think about doing it now? Well let's see....First, I would have to find a sitter, that means about $50 for one night, and staying out past midnight is out of the question. Since I can't stomach most alcohol after having a kid, I would be drinking wine, which limits my places to go. I have to take twice as much time to get ready because my skin and hair is no longer shiney and new, it's old and grey, seriously, I might have to do a root touch up before leaving. And what about clothes? What the fuck am I going to wear? I don't even know what's in style unless I look at a fashion blog and seriously, I can't deal with the rock studs anymore.
So really, I dream about going out. I dream about the fact that it used to be easy and fun. Now it's so much work I would rather sit on my couch, watch Netflix and drink my own wine. And pass out on my own couch, at a reasonable hour. Because the kid doesn't care if I am hungover or tired, he will still be up at 6am on Saturday.
And what ever happened to those people I did go out with? Where are they now?