The Co-Worker

Do you ever sit at your desk, read an email from a co-worker and think to yourself..."how does this person have a job?" If you are anything like me, you had said this to yourself on numerous occasions and probably several times a day.

The Co-Worker. What a dumb ass. How do you function on a daily basis? How do you even get out of bed and ready for work everyday? When I read your emails I want to pick up my computer and throw it in your face. Your emails literally make me want to explode. Why are you so stupid? Why do you ask stupid questions? How are you still employed?? How the fuck do you get through an entire day at this office?

I hope I am not the only one who feels like this about a co-worker. I think sometimes when I write things like this, people say what a fucking bitch. What is wrong with her? Why is she so unhappy? Well the truth is, I really am happy, I just really hate my job and pretty much everyone I work with at this point. So why not quit? I wrote about that here.

I am hoping that someone out there is reading this and thinking, she is saying all the things I am thinking on a daily basis! Yes, and I have plenty more to talk about so keep coming back.

Working Mom

If you are a mom and you work full time for corporate America, you will completely understand where I am coming from with this post. I hate dropping my child off every morning for someone else to "raise". I hate sitting at my desk all day checking in on my phone to make sure the daycare is taking care of him. I hate that I don't have enough money to be a stay at home mom. I hate when my stay at home mom friends complain. I hate that I don't get to go out on the weekends because I feel bad for leaving my little one because I leave him all week long. I hate that I cry in my car on the way to work because I want to turn around and pick him up. I hate that I feel like no one understands how I feel. I hate that I really don't have anyone to tell this to. I hate that my husband and I don't make enough money to send my son to a better school. I hate myself as a mom. I feel like a failure.


Image result for maldives

One thing I loved to do in my twenties was travel. I seriously did it as much as I could, even if it was just going three hours outside of my town. I really believe that you learn so much more getting out of your comfort zone than spending your days doing the same old same old. But I haven't had much time to travel lately (sad face) because of work and having a baby. So if I ever get to do it again, I would love to go to the Maldives. I have been dreaming of this place for so long, I can't even tell you....I want a hut on the water and I want to do nothing for an entire week but wake up, go to the deck, sit there, eat and drink all day and then do it all again the next day. A girl can dream can't she?

Image result for maldives
Image result for maldives

**Pics from Google Image**


I am loving the Loft right now. So much cute stuff! I am a fashion lover to the core, but I can't dress myself...I am awful at it, so I use Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration!


Not a Writer

I am not a writer! I just want to explain that this blog is mainly for me to voice opinions I can not say out loud. Though I would love to scream from the rooftops, I HATE MY JOB, I just can't do that because let's be honest, I need that damn paycheck.
I am frustrated with my current situation and the only way I can release that frustration is to write it down. I walk a lot with my son but I still have all these things running through my mind that I just have to get out.

Thanks for reading!

Bag Lady

I can't stand when woman work in an office and carry ugly ass bags. Seriously, you are grown, stop buying those bags at Wal-Mart and spend a little extra to get something at least decent. Here are some that I like and they aren't expensive at all! But at least you won't look like you carry extra underwear in your bag for your second job at the strip club.

Make Money Blogging

I have another blog that has made me a lot of extra cash so I get this question a do you make money blogging? After receiving this question so many times I thought it would help to actually tell you...and not lie to you like I see a lot of other bloggers do. It's actually pretty simple!

1. Blog about what you know and what you enjoy. Simple right? Stop trying to blog about what you think will make money or what you think people want to read. If you have content that you enjoy writing about the readers will follow.
2. PUT IN THE WORK!! Blog posts do not write themselves.
3. Affliate Links-Amazon is a good one. Add it to your sidebar, see what happens.
4. Google AdSense-Again, add it to your sidebar, see what happens.
5. Numbers 3 and 4 will not work unless you have followers and people are who are dedicated to reading your blog! So keep number 1 in mind here.
6. Add sharing buttons. Share your articles to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. You are your number one marketer, do it yourself at first!
7. Stop worrying about what others are doing! It's hard to do, but make your blog stand out not look exactly like someone elses.
8. Have fun. Enjoy what you are doing. Write about what makes you happy, then everything else will fall into place.

**Cash comes from AdSense and Affliate links mostly. Once you start a following and people read you, sponsored posts are an option. But you will never make anything without having good content and a readership!**

Work Wardrobe