Maternity Leave

Thinking about having a baby or maybe another baby?
Here are some of the companies with the best maternity leave.


I want to win the lottery, buy a new house and refurnish it. I want everything to be new and fresh and clean. That's not happening, so I day dreaming instead. Click on pics for links. 

So Quit!

You hate your job so much, why not quit? Just quit! If I had a quarter for every time someone told me that...I would have more than what I make in a week.

Trust me, the idea has crossed my mind on more than one occasion. I have wanted to just get up walk out the door and never come back. I have wanted to cuss out my manager and flick him off and leave. I have wanted to make the phone call that says I am sick today and I will never be returning...but come on, that just isn't logical! Maybe when I was 25 and I wanted to move on to travel the world or go work for a start up firm, but now I have a kid and a home and a car and bills...the list goes on and on. That is why I stay. And more importantly, I haven't gotten a job to replace this one. Because as much as I hate my current situation, I can not leave without having another job. Who else will pay my bills? You?

Working Hard

Do you work really hard every day but feel like you get no where? I do.
Do you try to volunteer for things and say yes to everything thinking it will get you somewhere? Me too.
Do you go to work thinking, today I will change my attitude and be happy to be here!? Me too.

If you are thinking the same things I do on a daily basis, you probably need to get a new job. I know I do!

It's hard though. It really is. I have worked really hard for the company I am at. I have stayed late, come in early, not taken vacation, done things that don't get recognized and still I am in the same position. No raises, no bonuses, no office. Just the same shit day in and day out. It's hard because I have invested so much time and energy into a company that doesn't see it that way. They don't see me at all. They don't care what I've done or how hard I have worked. And why not? Because I don't spend my time kissing their ass. I know I have said this before, but I am never going anywhere unless I get on the kiss ass train and ride it all the way to the top of kiss ass mountain.

So why not just kiss ass??? Well for one, I am not good at it. I can't fake it. I can't pretend to like management and I can't pretend that I like what they stand for. They are not good people in my eyes. I believe that hard work should be recognized and I think promotions should be given based on ability and not favoritism. This folks is never going to change!
Secondly, I see others kissing ass and it makes me want to vomit. I can't be that person. I couldn't sleep at night.
Lastly, I can't sleep my way to the top. You heard that! I refuse. I am happy at home. No need for extra credit...I will keep my mouth closed.

So kissing ass is not for me, working hard I guess it's time I move on. Anyone hiring? :)

The Detox

I have been feeling blah lately. More than I have ever felt before. I think it has a lot to do with the amount of coffee and wine I drink. I am sure most moms can relate (at least I hope I am not the only one!). So this week I have decided to get my butt in gear and detox!

So what I am doing? Well let's first start by saying, I am not going crazy with this! I love my coffee and can't live without it so I am going to limit myself to 2 cups a day. The rest of the day I will drink lemon and cucumber water. As much as I possibly can to clean out my system.

And as far as food goes, here is what I will be eating.

Oatmeal with Raisins

Avocado Chicken Salad (no bread)
One Apple
Peppers with Hummus

2 Grilled Chicken Breasts

Hopefully I can stick to most of these foods. I am going to cut out carbs and alcohol (LORD HELP US ALL) and we will see what happens! I am actually pretty excited to hopefully see results.


For me, Sundays really suck now. It means the weekend is coming to an end and I am back to the grind in less than 24 hours. I usually end up drinking mimosas all day to numb the pain of the week waiting ahead. But today I am in search of the perfect ankle pant. Exciting huh?
Since having a kid, my taste and style in clothing has changed. I turned my heels in for flats and my fitted flares in for ankle and skinny pants. Why? Well because they are more comfortable and practical for lugging around a child. I don't have time or the energy to strut my shit in four inch heels and even if I tried I would probably break my ankle. Plus I need pants that are comfortable and stay fitted all day. Here are some of my favorites. And Happy Mothers Day!!


Summer is coming, even though I don't want it to...and only because my fat ass is not in shape at all! I need a tan, a margarita in my hand and some dresses to cover my flab. I seriously hate when summer creeps up and I still look like shit! 

Watch This!

It might make you quit or job or just work harder on your dreams, either way, this video is worth watching!


What Guilt Is Teaching You
Ever just felt this overwhelming feeling of guilt leaving your kid at daycare? Or when your friend has a birthday dinner planned but you can't make it because your babysitter fell through last minute? Or that you couldn't finish making dinner for your family because your kid was attached to your leg, wanting you to hold them instead of just playing on their own? Knowing that there was a huge stack of laundry that needed to be done but you just don't have the energy or the time really to acknowledge it. Guilty feeling that you aren't eating the best foods, your dinners aren't always healthy and that you turn the TV on to distract your kids so you can have five minutes alone.

That guilty feeling that you aren't putting enough money in your 401k, you can't afford a family vacation and you know looking back you will regret not being able to.
That in twenty years you will barely have enough saved to live off of and living pay check to pay check is hard but you don't know what to do about it.

The guilty feeling that your marriage is not what you want it to be but you don't know how to change it. You feel like you are failing as a mother daily and no one really understands when you talk about it. Guilty that you want to go to brunch, alone, and drink until you have to call an Uber to pick you up. But feeling guilty while you are doing it because you miss your kids.
Knowing that you should be taking your kids to the beach or the park or the zoo, but you would rather just stay at home and make memories there, because the work it takes to get going wears you out so bad that you are no longer fun when you get where your going.

Guilt, I have it everyday.

Things I Love

Get Promoted

Maybe you don't feel the same way about your job that I do.
Maybe you love what you do and where you work. Good For You! I envy you.
You should really work on getting promoted though, don't get stuck in the same old job and start to hate are 10 strategies to help you get there.

Weekend In Jacksonville

This past weekend I spent in Jacksonville Florida.
We are hoping to move there soon....we have an option with my husbands job to transfer from VA to Florida...and I don't know what to do.
I loved visiting. Stayed in Jax Beach and loved it! But am I willing to move so far from the place I know?
I'm really quite torn right now but it was a great excuse to have a weekend away with my husband.
Decisions Decisions......going to have to decide within the next couple of months.

Anyone from Jacksonville that can tell me anything?