
I dread dinner time. I hope I am not the only one. I usually have to make it which is why I hate it so much. I used to love to cook. I would come home from a long day at the office, pour myself a large glass of wine, turn up the radio really loud and go to town! I would chop all my own garlic and fresh veggies. I would have planned out what I was going to cook every night. I would marinate steaks and chicken and make sure that I had enough to have leftovers the next day. I made lasagna from scratch and dessert to go with it. It was amazing! Now...not so much.
Now I rush out of work to pick up my kid, because I don't want to be that mom at the daycare thats always five minutes late and has to pay an overage fee. I don't want to be that mom that didn't get to see her kid for a few hours a day either. So I dread dinner time. It just means I am cramped up in the kitchen cooking and not spending a minute with my baby boy.
I would love to try something like Blue Apron or another delivery service but I am not sure it's worth it? Any suggestions?? How can I make this time of the day a better experience for everyone?


Summer is right around the corner, thank God! And I need some new clothes. Finally lost that baby weight and can't wait to show it off! Let's go shopping!!


A lot of entrepreneurs can claim they’ve never had a ‘job’ but many of us do for the sake of stability and comfort while building our ventures. I have no shame in admitting I’ve worked for a corporation but it was for the experience and knowledge I was able to extract from it. Keep reading.....

Life Lessons

Days are long but the years are short.
Be yourself.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say.
Stand up for yourself.
Never let someone make you feel bad about yourself.
Get up, get dressed and go to work, everyone has to, you are no exception.
Spend time in silence.
Turn off your phone, listen to music.
Say I love you every chance you get.
Be happy.
Make sure you tell your kids you are proud of them, their future depends on you.
Help someone who needs it without asking for anything in return.
Sit at a city bus station, you will humbled, and if your not, sit there longer.
Work for what you want, don't take handouts.
Live the life you want, not what someone else wants.
Someone will always have a bigger house, nicer car, better clothes, this does not make them any better than you.
If you don't like someone it's okay, we are not all going to get along.
Do not judge someone for their past, they might be working on their future.
Everyone has a story to tell, listen to someone else, you might learn something.
Money can always be made, but memories are forever.
Do not be jealous of what someone else has, you have everything you need.
If someone doesn't like you, move on, they are not worth your time.
Do not let the amount of money you make dictate who you will be, do what you love.
Read books often, they will open your mind to places you have never known.
Give to charity, your time is worth more than the donation of money.
Say thank you.
Appreciate those who do for you, true friends are rare and should be cherished.

Daily Life

Working full time is exhausting. And going somewhere you don't like everyday makes this even worse. It really causes a lot of stress and anxiety. When people think I am anti-social or quiet at work it's because I am trying to stay calm and keep my blood pressure down. I don't want to freak out on anyone and I don't want to listen to any of the gossip or corporate bullshit anymore. I don't understand why people don't just leave me the hell alone?

In my office there are certain people I keep away from. Those people seem to always be around though, secretly hiding around the corner so we run into each other or going to the bathroom at the same time as me. Why are you doing that? Why don't you just sit the fuck down and do your work? Why do you need to send me email after email after email asking stupid questions? Why can't you just do your damn job and stop trying to get me to talk to you?

I have realized over time that corporate america isn't to far off from high school. It feels the same. It's like no one has grown up. I'm so tired of it. But is it different anywhere else? Does every office feel this way or is it just the stigma associated with large corporations?

Fashion On A Budget

If you work in a cubicle like me, then you probably don't make enough money to afford the finer things in life, like shopping at Nordstroms on a daily basis. But you can find affordable pieces to add to your wardrobe so you don't look like crap every day. Take note, don't make these mistakes. I love shopping at Target and H&M. I think having at least three black blazers is a must and you can add a leopard flat to any outfit to stand out a little. When in doubt, wear black! Seriously, it can make you look ten pounds lighter and you can change up the look with almost anything you already have. Here are some items I actually own myself and wear on repeat!


I think at one time or another we have all HATED our jobs. We don't want to wake up in the morning, go sit in a cubicle and work for other people. We don't want to answer your stupid questions about our timesheets or what we are working on. And we definitely do not want to put on a fake smile and pretend that we like every other person in the office. Right now, I hate my job. Really hate my job. I hate the work that I do, I hate answering to people who are fucking idiots and I hate most of the people I work with. I wonder sometimes how I got to this place? I have worked for the same company for over 15 years but have had many different positions. Now let's be honest, I am not curing cancer or doing anything that is worthwhile. I can't tell you that what I do will change lives because it won't. I don't bring any good into this world with the job that I do. I just collect a paycheck and leave every day with a paycheck. So what do I really hate about it? The specifics....the fucking cubicle I sit in. It's like a small prison that I spend eight hours a day in. Most of the people I work with I hate. They are all stupid. They have no common sense. They make me want to punch them in the face when they open their mouths. But what I really hate is MANAGEMENT! Let me gripe about this for a minute.
In corporate America it seems that there is one thing that gets you ahead, and that is favoritism. I know that it's not always the case, but more often than not, it's the kiss ass that gets ahead and its the kiss ass that ends up being my manager. They eat sleep and breath the big bosses ideas. They KISS ASS every damn chance they get and more often than not, they have no idea what they are doing. They can't give you proper reviews because they don't even know what you do every day. They travel from site to site and spend corporate dollars on rental cars and hotels and dinners out but they can't seem to approve the vacation time you would like to take. They are able to call in sick with no questions asked but god forbid your child is sick, that's the end of the world. They micro manage every damn thing you do, including when you have to take a piss and you aren't at your desk for them to ask a question they should already know the answer to. They get paid the big money and drive the nice cars while you live paycheck to paycheck and complete most of their work for them. Management blows, they really suck ass. I can't say enough about how much a HATE my current management. They are awful and since I am not a favorite, I will not be getting ahead. I will continue to live and work in this cubicle for another 15 years because at the end of the day, I have my own dignity I need to leave with everyday and I will not tell you your dress and heels are nice Mrs. Manager because really you look like a whore.

Kids Are Asleep!

The kids are asleep!
And what I mean by that is my baby boy, my husband, and his stupid ass friend who is staying the night (because he is to drunk to drive home).
I am all about not driving drunk but I secretly hate when I wake up and someone walks out of the guest room! That means I have to put on a bra, make more coffee than normal, cook extra breakfast and I have to be nice! What the fuck!
We did have a great evening though...kid was in bed by 7, that allowed mommy enough time to polish off a bottle of wine by 9, in bed and asleep by 10. These things are definitely important!
So I decided to catch up on my all time favorite (right now) reality series Mob Wives, these bitches are crazy. Hope everyone had a great Saturday night!

Conference Call

What the fuck is up with conference calls?
Like are you fucking kidding me?

There is a call to discuss a call to discuss a spreadsheet that no one has time to look at. 
There is a call to talk about the email that was sent out about the update to the new website to make sure you know your log in and to do your timesheet and just to make sure you read that stupid email. 
Are you kidding me?
How old are we? Do we need a conference call to discuss an email that was sent or another call that we already had or do you just like to hear yourself talk?
Think about it Corporate America...how much time are you actually wasting?!

You Hate Your Job Too?

I hate my well-paying, cushy corporate job, but I also don't want to search for another corporate job, because all corporate jobs suck. What should I do?

Job Sucking Your Soul?

Ever been in a soul-sucking work situation? Maybe you’re in one now. If any of the following is true for you, chances are you’re in a soul-sucking job...keep reading! 

Do You Work?

When you are at work, do you work? Maybe a few hours right? But what about the rest of the time?

I just checked to see what my co-workers do on a given work day and this is what I found out (after so much social media stalking!)

1. PIN items on Pinterest. Funny, now if you use the app on your phone, it will tell you what was last pinned and how long ago they pinned it. Caught ya dumbass! You just pinned 10 items in your home category, guess who wasn't working on that report!

2. You liked shit on Facebook. Hello! If we are are friends I will see you do that!

3. You are Twittering! Get the fuck off of Twitter at work you moron!

4. You walk the hallway talking on your cell phone. That is obviously not work related.


Corporate Life

Corporate life is pretty simple, you just have to follow some rules.
Follow the rules, get ahead, don't follow the rules, you get left behind (in the same cube forever).

Rule #1 - Kiss Corporate Ass
Rule #2 - Kiss Management Ass
Rule #3 - Fake It Till You Make It

Those are pretty much the rules. So stop doing that extra work. Stop staying late. Stop doing a good job at all! If you don't do the above you will NEVER get ahead. Because corporate promotion is not based on your work ability, it's based on your ability to kiss the correct ass at the appropriate time.

Fashion Lover

I love fashion.
It is a guilty pleasure. 
I wish I looked better when I dressed myself, but unfortunately I don't.
Muted colors and black look best because at least then I can pair them easily with something else. 
I am constantly tired and I really don't have time to go shopping.
Anytime I do go shopping I have a little midget with me and that makes shopping not so fun.
So I shop online and sometimes that is so much better!
Yes, you can't try on the clothes, but there are so many great deals and you can use coupon codes. 
Most companies offer free shipping and returns.
My favorites are H&M, Old Navy, Target and Forever 21.

I have linked some of the items I love and I think if you work in a cube like me you have to have.
A blazer, cardigan, white shirt, button down, ankle pants, you need them all! And these are so affordable!

Getting Fat

I'm getting fat.
From sitting at my cubicle.
From drinking to much wine.
From being lazy.
I am getting fucking fat and I hate it.
I want my awesome body back and I know what to do but I haven't done it yet.

Leopard LOVE

I'M IN LOVE WITH A STRIPPER....Anyone else remember that song? LOL!
Well I'm in love with the LEOPARD.

On my feet......LOVE THESE.

Weekend Away

I really need a weekend away with the husband.
I have a sitter and I am willing to drive or fly. But I am thinking about Florida.
And I need to know where to go and where to stay! Help Me!!!