Interview Attire

Interview Attire
Every once in awhile in my office we get to conduct interviews on recent college grads.
This is seriously the highlight of my month when it happens. I get all giddy and just smile for days beforehand. Why you ask? Well these dumbass kids walk in here looking like they just stepped out of a fucking carnival or night club and I can't wait to see it! 
Society has told these young kids it's okay to have tattoos, nose rings and half shaven heads. Facebook let's them know its okay to express themselves with pink hair and long fake fingernails. Girls think that dark lipstick and drawn on eyebrows makes their features stand out. Yes girls, please feel free to do all of that, but please, tone it down for a damn interview! 
No one wants to see the snake wrapped around your ankle or the fake tan you plastered on the night before. We don't care what your kids names are or that they are tattooed on your wrists. Your hair is really nice, that long flowing hair, but please pull it out of your face in a bun so that you aren't constantly running your hands through it. Don't wear blue nail polish, just don't. Don't wear colored tights or bright neon shoes. When you walk into an interview and you look like that, no one is going to take you seriously. And we won't give you the job. You can express yourself however you want once you leave the office, but your first impression will last forever. All that money spent on college and can't get a job? Maybe you should look in the mirror. 
Need some help deciding on clothing? Read here

The Young Professional

Career Ownership
When I started working for Corporate America I was 22. I was still in my last year of college and needed a job to help pay for my new apartment so I started on the lowest level possible. It was awful looking back now, I did it, I worked hard and moved up pretty fast, but I could have done a few things differently. I could have had a better relationship with my boss, which would have worked out better for me now. I could have lived by the company motto, but I didn't believe in it, still don't. I also could have dressed better, probably could still do that now!
That old saying, dress for the job you want, not the job you have. Girl, it is so true.
Clothes transform you, make you a different person, make you ore likable and as much as we don't want to admit it, people do judge you according to it.
At 22 I didn't care that much because after work my good clothes came out to go to dinners I couldn't afford and bar hoping. And those clothes were definitely not office appropriate. I have changed my ways, and now being a mom I struggle with comfort vs style.
Heels can make a huge difference in your outfit, though I prefer a smart wedge or flat.
Looking back, I would have invested in nicer pieces that lasted me up till now, but I still have a hard time spending $500 on a jacket.
I have listed some alternatives below. Some items I will be purchasing, in my price range and very mom appropriate.

Sweet Summer Time

It's summertime, which means Maxi's all day everyday!

Changing Careers

I have often thought about a career change, but then I remember I am in the my thirties and that might not make sense. Have I lost my mind? Why would I want to start over?

Regardless of any of that, I know there are several reasons I shouldn't do it and several things I should consider.

Read more here.....

Quit Your Day Job

Sounds great right? No more 9 to 5, no more setting the alarm clock, but finally getting up to do what you have wanted to do for so long. Your dream. What you were born for. What you want to be working for instead of working for someone else. Living your dream instead of someone elses dream.
Want to do it? Here are some ways to show you how.

Toxic Work Environment

"Leaders can get confused between being demanding and being inappropriate in how they handle someone," Shea tells Knowledge@Wharton. "I can put a lot of pressure on you to perform well, but there is a place where this is no longer putting pressure on you, this is about hating you, or undercutting you, or diminishing your control." Read More Here!

The Favorite

Every office has one right? That one person that kisses ass and we love to hate?
That one person who will bend over backwards to make sure everyone sees what they are doing.
The one that kisses the bosses ass even though what they are saying is bullshit.
That one person who is always in the bosses office telling them they look great, or asking if they need anything. Yeah, you know who I am talking about. That stupid bitch that kisses so much ass her face turns a nice shade of shit brown every day. And as the day gets longer, the face just gets browner and browner. It's like rubbing self tanner all over your face every fucking hour.
Bitch, your face is covered in shit.
Wipe that shit off, sit the fuck down and actually work.
Yes, we all know you will get promoted, but we also know, you can't really do the work.
We all know that you helped your boss move into their new house, we also know that you are their little bitch, you jump to get them coffee and lunch like a fucking minion. Have some self respect and have your work speak for itself.
I have seen what happens to people like you. You get promoted, get an office, a big title, and when shit starts to hit the fan you can't do the fucking work. Because all you did was kiss that corporate ass all day. So here's to you, KISS ASS BITCH, I hope you fail. I really do, I hope you fail and I hope you fall flat on that shitty face of yours, because in the end, you deserve it. The people who work their ass off should have that office and that paycheck.
But who am I kidding? Corporate America doesn't work that way.


On a budget? You're not the only one.
Read about where budget travelers actually go on vacation here.

Social Media

Social Media lies to us. The people on Social Media lie to us.
We are all guilty of this. We look at pictures and think, that person is the perfect mom or wife or has the perfect life. But in reality, these people only show the pictures that come out well and never the bad things that happen. They are lying. Because if they were telling (or showing) the truth, they would show the pictures of their kids spilling their juice all over their new white kitchen, or the projectile vomit that happened when their kid had the flu, or the fact that their home is not always clean and their marriage is not perfect. They don't go out on dates every week, they don't cook homemade dinners and their kids are not always dressed perfectly.
Social Media has made us all forget the things that are important.
You don't need that new bag because a fashion blogger bought it (or was given it in hopes that if they flaunt it, then you and most of America will go spend the $500 price tag to get your own).
Your kids don't need those $50 moccasins, seriously they don't. You aren't cool because you got them, and especially if you put them on credit because you really can't afford them.
You don't need that lip gloss that costs $25 a tube, seriously?  Thats a full tank of gas in my car.
Am I being crazy to think this way? Why aren't more people saying, you know what....I don't need that. I don't need what you have because (1) I can't afford it (2) I don't even really like it (3) I could be spending that money on making memories instead of buying things.
Social Media is ruining what we once were, what we once thought.
Social Media is changing us...and not always for the better.