Interview Attire

Interview Attire
Every once in awhile in my office we get to conduct interviews on recent college grads.
This is seriously the highlight of my month when it happens. I get all giddy and just smile for days beforehand. Why you ask? Well these dumbass kids walk in here looking like they just stepped out of a fucking carnival or night club and I can't wait to see it! 
Society has told these young kids it's okay to have tattoos, nose rings and half shaven heads. Facebook let's them know its okay to express themselves with pink hair and long fake fingernails. Girls think that dark lipstick and drawn on eyebrows makes their features stand out. Yes girls, please feel free to do all of that, but please, tone it down for a damn interview! 
No one wants to see the snake wrapped around your ankle or the fake tan you plastered on the night before. We don't care what your kids names are or that they are tattooed on your wrists. Your hair is really nice, that long flowing hair, but please pull it out of your face in a bun so that you aren't constantly running your hands through it. Don't wear blue nail polish, just don't. Don't wear colored tights or bright neon shoes. When you walk into an interview and you look like that, no one is going to take you seriously. And we won't give you the job. You can express yourself however you want once you leave the office, but your first impression will last forever. All that money spent on college and can't get a job? Maybe you should look in the mirror. 
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