The Office Bathroom

Oh the office bathroom.
We all use it.
And I am pretty sure at times we all hate it.
If you don't know how to use the bathroom properly, here are some really great ideas.

And then here are my observations from my own office.

The office bathroom is a communal place, we all use it.
So why are you constantly in there brushing your teeth? That's just gross, and mostly because someone else is in the stall taking a shit.
A big shit apparently. One that was held in till you got to work that morning.
Why do you wait till you get to work to take a fucking dump? I don't get it.
So while you are in one stall taking a dump, your co-worker is standing at the sink brushing her teeth.
That seems sanitary.
Then when you're done, you spray the shit out of lysol to cover up the smell.
Seriously people? The nasty smell of that damn spray is worse than your stinky shit.
Then you try to play it off when another co-worker walks in, OMG, I can't believe how much it smells in here blah blah blah.
We all know it was you, cause you do it all the damn time!
And why do people have to go to the bathroom at the same time. Hey, let me stop by your desk and pick you up cause we need to go piss together! This is not a nightclub, you do not need a buddy, we do not piss in pairs for safety. Go pee alone.
Also, if you could wash your fucking hands, not leave piss on the seat and wrap up your damn tampons so I don't see it in the trash that would be great. Thanks so much!

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