
Image result for maldives

One thing I loved to do in my twenties was travel. I seriously did it as much as I could, even if it was just going three hours outside of my town. I really believe that you learn so much more getting out of your comfort zone than spending your days doing the same old same old. But I haven't had much time to travel lately (sad face) because of work and having a baby. So if I ever get to do it again, I would love to go to the Maldives. I have been dreaming of this place for so long, I can't even tell you....I want a hut on the water and I want to do nothing for an entire week but wake up, go to the deck, sit there, eat and drink all day and then do it all again the next day. A girl can dream can't she?

Image result for maldives
Image result for maldives

**Pics from Google Image**