Make Money Blogging

I have another blog that has made me a lot of extra cash so I get this question a do you make money blogging? After receiving this question so many times I thought it would help to actually tell you...and not lie to you like I see a lot of other bloggers do. It's actually pretty simple!

1. Blog about what you know and what you enjoy. Simple right? Stop trying to blog about what you think will make money or what you think people want to read. If you have content that you enjoy writing about the readers will follow.
2. PUT IN THE WORK!! Blog posts do not write themselves.
3. Affliate Links-Amazon is a good one. Add it to your sidebar, see what happens.
4. Google AdSense-Again, add it to your sidebar, see what happens.
5. Numbers 3 and 4 will not work unless you have followers and people are who are dedicated to reading your blog! So keep number 1 in mind here.
6. Add sharing buttons. Share your articles to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. You are your number one marketer, do it yourself at first!
7. Stop worrying about what others are doing! It's hard to do, but make your blog stand out not look exactly like someone elses.
8. Have fun. Enjoy what you are doing. Write about what makes you happy, then everything else will fall into place.

**Cash comes from AdSense and Affliate links mostly. Once you start a following and people read you, sponsored posts are an option. But you will never make anything without having good content and a readership!**