The Co-Worker

Do you ever sit at your desk, read an email from a co-worker and think to yourself..."how does this person have a job?" If you are anything like me, you had said this to yourself on numerous occasions and probably several times a day.

The Co-Worker. What a dumb ass. How do you function on a daily basis? How do you even get out of bed and ready for work everyday? When I read your emails I want to pick up my computer and throw it in your face. Your emails literally make me want to explode. Why are you so stupid? Why do you ask stupid questions? How are you still employed?? How the fuck do you get through an entire day at this office?

I hope I am not the only one who feels like this about a co-worker. I think sometimes when I write things like this, people say what a fucking bitch. What is wrong with her? Why is she so unhappy? Well the truth is, I really am happy, I just really hate my job and pretty much everyone I work with at this point. So why not quit? I wrote about that here.

I am hoping that someone out there is reading this and thinking, she is saying all the things I am thinking on a daily basis! Yes, and I have plenty more to talk about so keep coming back.