Trust Your Gut

I talked here about bad office attire.
And today was the worst I have ever seen!
So I am going to give you some advice....TRUST YOUR GUT. If you look in the mirror and you question if an outfit looks good or bad, go with bad and put it back in your damn closet, or better yet the trash.

If this happens, please don't wear that outfit to work!
  1. It doesn't zip.
  2. It's to tight.
  3. You can see your cellulite through your tight ass pants.
  4. Stains.
  5. Camel Toe (put that away girl!)
  6. Holes. Is that a hole? Don't wear it!
  7. Buttons screaming for dear means your shirt is to tight!
  8. Open toed shoes with nasty toes.
  9. Toes that hang over your open toed shoe.
  10. Lace back shirts, do I need to say more?
Please make sure that you are looking at yourself in the mirror when you are getting dressed and if any of the above apply, please change. And trust your gut....and hide your gut if you can, no one wants to see it.