You're So Mean!

I am pretty sure I hear this all the time.
It annoys me to no end.
Because in my eyes, I am not mean, I am honest, but if I say anything that someone doesn't agree with, then I'm mean.

I am a completely honest person. I don't believe in lying and I don't think that everyone is going to get along, we just aren't. Lately I keep hearing (and seeing on Instagram) that we as women should build each other up, not tear each other down. While I agree with this, just because I am not friends with you doesn't make me a mean person. By not being friends with you it doesn't mean I hate you or I am trying to be mean to you, I just don't want to spend what little time I have in the day to "hang out" with you.

So let's build each other up, yes let's do that. But I am going to build up the people that I love and the women that I believe are doing good. And I am not going to tell you something that isn't true. Think about it, why am I going to tell you I like your idea when I really don't? Am I going to lie to you? No, I'm not, I probably just won't comment or smile or go out of my way to talk to you about it. Does this make me mean? I can see how people would think that, but I am just being honest and TO BE HONEST, most people just want to be lied to, they don't want to hear the truth but I am not going to be that person that lies to you!

Case in point....women at my work.
There are a couple that are overly nice to everyone, very fake if you ask me. Always complementing on outfits or hair or asking about others families or children. You guys are really great at that, props to you. But let's also talk about those same women, meeting in the bathroom to snark on those people that they just told looked great. Now they are whispering and saying how ugly that skirt is, how your hair looks like shit and your kids are ugly. Yes, they said all of that and then turned around and said something completely different to your face. Yes, this is high school and grown women act like this.

So next time you say that I am mean, look in the mirror. I don't fake it. I am honest. Most people aren't.

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