So Quit!

You hate your job so much, why not quit? Just quit! If I had a quarter for every time someone told me that...I would have more than what I make in a week.

Trust me, the idea has crossed my mind on more than one occasion. I have wanted to just get up walk out the door and never come back. I have wanted to cuss out my manager and flick him off and leave. I have wanted to make the phone call that says I am sick today and I will never be returning...but come on, that just isn't logical! Maybe when I was 25 and I wanted to move on to travel the world or go work for a start up firm, but now I have a kid and a home and a car and bills...the list goes on and on. That is why I stay. And more importantly, I haven't gotten a job to replace this one. Because as much as I hate my current situation, I can not leave without having another job. Who else will pay my bills? You?