Nordstrom Sale



This article is actually one you need to read asap!!!


As blatant as some of the “problems” were and as obvious as it was that a situation was definitely going on outside of me and causing me a lot of stress, the only thing that created my misery was my interpretation of that problem.
Do you ever notice the constant mind-bending and twisted chatter that goes on in your head every minute of the day?
Someone walks in your office and says something quite off-putting to you. Or a raise was promised and not delivered. That is the situation. The problem is now you and the voice in your head that talks non-stop about it for hours, days, weeks, and even months or years. The voice interprets what that situation actually means to you and can’t shut up about it!

Let's Dream

Let's dream about tan lines, salty lips, coconut oil, frozen drinks and sexy beach hair. 


I had this moment at work today that made me want to walk out. Just leave. Not give notice and just walk out. But I stopped myself and counted to ten and walked around and sat back down and remembered some things. I need the money, the insurance and I can't just leave...I would at least have to give notice.

But if you are thinking of quitting, you should make ask yourself some questions.
I saw this on Instagram and I have to share.
10 Questions to Ask Before Quitting Your Job.

The Games We Play

To climb the Corporate Ladder you have to play the game.
If you don't play the game, you won't go anywhere.
I know this for a fact, because I will not be going anywhere.
I will be at the same job in my company, no matter how hard I work, no matter how late I stay, no matter how much praise I get by certain people...if I am not kissing the right ass and playing their game, I will not be going anywhere.
Photo Source

It's definitely a hard lesson to learn. You believe your work should speak for itself.
You believe you shouldn't have to say how great you are, somebody should notice that and praise your efforts. You believe working hard and helping others in their work will make you noticeable without having to say LOOK AT ME. It's difficult to wrap your head around the fact that this is not how the corporate system works.

So what to do? Do I start kissing that corporate ass that I really have no respect for?
Do I tell someone hello every morning even though looking at them makes me want to vomit?
Should I ask someone to go to lunch that I seriously have nothing in common with so that the next time "that manager" asks how I am doing they can say, she is great! What a nice person she is! I love having her in the office! Seriously makes me sick thinking about it.

Do I take what I do know about myself and change it completely?
Do I stop being who I am for a company that doesn't allow me to grow and be great just because I am not the biggest kiss ass?

Florida Keys Vacation

I talked recently about my upcoming much needed vacation to the Florida Keys. I received some great feed back from you all, thank you so much! Now I just need to narrow down places to stay.
Here are a few of the options I am considering. 

I noticed this resort on Instagram a couple of days ago. The beautiful and fun people seem to stay here. I also notice a few locals frequent the bar and pool which makes me feel like it must be a great place to stay!

Photo From TripAdvisor 

The pool at this place makes me want to stay forever. Not to mention the Tiki Bar and the fact that it seems a little bit away from the downtown night life. Which would be good when we just feel like relaxing. 
Photo From The Inn At Key West 

This hotel came highly recommended if we want to stay right off Duval Street. Tucked in the trees, this place has daily happy hour by the pool and the rooms look beautiful!
Photo From TripAdvisor 

This place is a little different but looks excellent. Having our own kitchen would be great! Especially to have a fridge to store leftovers and drinks. I have one friend who stayed during a wedding and said it was easy walking distance to the best places on Duval Street. 
Photo From Rose Lane Villas 

The Good Days

In the wake of these recent killings. mass terror attacks and just all around craziness of our world, I felt compelled to write something from my heart, so here it goes...

I grew up poor. We lived in an old home that my father fixed up as much as he could in between working two jobs. My mom stayed home with us. We were always clothed and our bellies full, but there is something to say about the way I was raised that made me a better person.
I did not grow up with the nicest clothes.
I did not have a room to myself. My shoes were used. My mother shopped at Goodwill.
My parents grew a garden of fresh vegetables. We ate whatever meat was on sale that week.
We did not own a TV. We did not play video games. We grew up listening to music, mostly on a record player. We knew our cousins and they were with us constantly. We did not go out on the weekends, we stayed home. We drank from the hose, we played outside till it was dark, and we ate what was given to us. We did not have a choice when it came to dinner time, you ate or you starved.
We were dirty but happy. We were blissfully unaware of what it was like at others homes because unlike today, we did not have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Blogger.
Your life was what you made it and it was based on what you were taught and not what you saw.
You respected your elders, and if you did not address someone by name or sir or ma'am, you got smacked in the mouth.
You were taught to respect the police and anyone in a uniform. You were told to make eye contact and to not disrespect anyone.
There was a sense of community. There was a sense of love without saying I Love You.
People showed up for one another.
People took care of each other.
We depended on one another for help and it was given and received without question.
When a neighbor took a trip to the store, it was yelling over the fence do you need anything.
No one cared what kind of car your drove or if you just bought a $500 purse. They cared that you were feeling well. They watched your home when you were on vacation.
They helped when you sick. They came to birthday parties and anniversaries and showers without a gift because they weren't needed, just being there was enough. You called and talked on the phone or showed up at someones house, you did not text or Facebook an invite.

I realize the times have changed. We are a different America. We are no longer worried about our neighbor but more about what clothes and shoes we should buy to make us appear more valuable to someone else. I am guilty myself. We no longer respect police officers, we think they are the enemy. We share stories on Facebook and give our opinions based on feelings, not facts.

This new generation, this new America, it's not okay.

Maybe we should stop sharing the hate videos and start sharing ones involving love and lessons.
Instead of spending days trapped on social media, we should be giving back to our community. Meeting one another, loving one another, not discriminating based on race. Teach our children what the flag means, what the police actually do for us, what a man in uniform has given so that we are free to run in our backyards and drink from a hose.

Rose All Day

Sometimes being a mom can really wear on your nerves. Love my kid, but damn it's true that they make you so tired and worn out that you just need to relax. Put working a job I hate all day on top of that, and I really need something to help me relax! My relaxing is having a glass of wine. I have at least one a day. I know, I know, everyday! Well yes, I have one every day. I have read that this is acceptable, or maybe I am just telling myself that to justify the glass...but damn it, I deserve it! I have a few different kinds that I love right now. Wanted to share in case you need a glass after a long day.

Top 6 Rose
Top Cab Sav

Feeling Bad

I was driving to work this morning and I got an overwhelming feeling of guilt and unhappiness. I immediately started to cry. Sitting in rush hour traffic, balling my eyes out. I couldn't even control it, the water works were on and they wouldn't stop. But why?
I think this has been building up for weeks, maybe even months. I seriously hate my job which is effecting my everyday life at this point. I am unhappy, miserable even, for the eight hours a day I sit at my desk. I feel bad every time I drop my son off at daycare because I could be spending my day with him, and even though he doesn't know what I am talking about half the time, he would be completely more enjoyable than the people I currently work with.
I hate that it has come to this. I hate that I don't like the environment I work in. I hate that I don't like the people. And I hate that I can't change it. You can't change other people. You can't change Corporate America. I can't do anything but work and try to find another job. I can't quit, I really can't. As much as my emotional stability and health are teetering on the edge of a fucking cliff, I have to have that paycheck. That stupid fucking paycheck controls me.
So I cried this morning. I let it all out on my way to the fucking job that I hate. And before I walked into that office I made sure my face looked fine, because at the end of the day, I don't really want them to know how much they all have control over me.

Sex and the City

I am obsessed with this show, and just as obsessed as I was years ago. When my girlfriends and I were all single and we would watch the show at night after going out or binge watch when we were hung over on Sunday morning.
Sometimes I watch and rewatch, even though I know what will be said and what will happen next.
I love this damn show!
But also, just realized someone started an Instagram about all the outfits on the show. Genius!

I sometimes wish that after college I had moved to New York, found some friends and lived the way these ladies did. Well....had sex like Samantha, a job like Miranda, an apartment like Charlotte and dressed like Carrie. So maybe a little different but I would have loved to drink cosmos and smoke cigs and have brunch every Sunday. Here's to the dream of being ten years younger and being single!


Target has been in the news lately because of the bathroom controversy. I had to use this page to say I DON'T CARE WHAT BATHROOM YOU USE. I seriously don't, because to be perfectly honest, I have maybe used the bathroom at Target once in the last 5 years! I am not worried about who is pissing where, I am more worried about shopping....and buying things I don't need that have red tags and are on the end aisles. Can we all just shut up and be happy that we actually have the ability to choose where we shop? If you don't like it, go to Wal-Mart. But please, just shut up about it, it's really not the most important thing we should be discussing these days.

Job Security

You want Job Security in today's crazy ass job market. Read here.

Things I Want

You know that saying, nothing haunts us like the things we didn't buy.
Well everything haunts me and I will never buy it.
I can't bring myself to spend $400 on boots, I have friends that do, but I tend to buy things that are less expensive because 1. I can't really afford it and 2. I can't really afford it.

So instead I will dream, and want and stare and maybe borrow a friends, but I will never buy.
And here are some of the items I lust after....maybe one day if I ever get a raise....


As a working mom, I find that if I prep for the meal ahead of time I have much better luck getting dinner made without spending so much time in the kitchen.
I wanted to share some of the recipes I have been loving and using a lot lately. The hubs approves too and the little one will eat almost anything but is favoring potatoes and veggies lately, which is awesome!

Here are my go-tos.

The Bomb Bakers

The Bomb Bakers These potatoes turn out so well every time! I love them and my family so much so that they eat the skin! Seriously the best!

Yellow Squash 

Yellow Squash This Recipe is so easy and relish even my little boy loves it!

Chicken Tacos

Slow Cooker Chicken Tacos A huge fan these days of the slow cooker, these are prefect to come home to at the end of a long day.

Peach Cobbler
Easy Peach Cobbler Seriously if you have not had this, make it tonight, its a crowd pleaser! I have talked about being a mother and how I suck at that. Now let's talk about how much I suck at being a wife. Lately I just feel like I am failing. Completely and utterly failing. I can't seem to get anything done. The house is a mess, the laundry is piling up, I spend my day taking care of my son as much as I can because I feel like he needs me more than my husband.


I know people go on vacations still, I see their posts constantly on Facebook and Instagram.
I on the other hand, have no idea what is actually like to take a vacation anymore.
From having a toddler to working my life away, I have yet to sit down and plan anything.
Well that is, until today!
I am so excited. We are planning a road trip! Well sorta kinda. We are leaving baby boy in Jacksonville Florida with family and we are headed down to the Keys! Five days no baby and lots of sun and sea and drinks, please pour me another drink.
So I need suggestions on where to stop on the way, where we can't miss for food and what cocktails I won't want to leave without drinking. Live music, great bars and seafood dinners. I am so very excited. And of course, the hubs wants to go fishing. I recently came across this blog and immediately thought, I need to be in the Keys right now. Great suggestions but since we have a few more days, I need some more info.Send me anything and everything you got on having a great time in the Keys!