Sex and the City

I am obsessed with this show, and just as obsessed as I was years ago. When my girlfriends and I were all single and we would watch the show at night after going out or binge watch when we were hung over on Sunday morning.
Sometimes I watch and rewatch, even though I know what will be said and what will happen next.
I love this damn show!
But also, just realized someone started an Instagram about all the outfits on the show. Genius!

I sometimes wish that after college I had moved to New York, found some friends and lived the way these ladies did. Well....had sex like Samantha, a job like Miranda, an apartment like Charlotte and dressed like Carrie. So maybe a little different but I would have loved to drink cosmos and smoke cigs and have brunch every Sunday. Here's to the dream of being ten years younger and being single!

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