Gift Guide

Get The Job Part 2

Get The Job Part 2. Straight from an HR Professional.

1. When you start the interview, look at me, make sure you make eye contact. Don't stare off into space or up in the air, or look down, look at my eyes!

2. Speak clearly and know what you are talking about. 

3. Bring an extra copy of your resume, shows that even though you know I have a copy, you took the extra step to print it out. Might sound dumb, but you would not believe how many times I am sent the resume but can't print it or the view is awful.

4. Don't pick your fingers, play with your pen, or mess with your hair.

5. Smile.

6. Make yourself stand out. Tell me something interesting. Make me remember you.

7. The last person I hired did not have the education that the other candidate had, but she did have a better attitude, better posture and her attire was on point. What does that tell you?

8. Before you come to the interview, practice with someone. Know what you are going to say.

9. If you want the job it will show, if you don't want it that will show too.

10. Relax, I'm a human, so are you, it's just questions, you can do it.


I have talked about being a mother and how I suck at that. Now let's talk about how much I suck at being a wife. Lately I just feel like I am failing. Completely and utterly failing.
I can't seem to get anything done. The house is a mess, the laundry is piling up, I spend my day taking care of my son as much as I can because I feel like he needs me more than my husband. I find myself telling him to pick up dinner because I just don't have time and I know he loves a home cooked meal. I have been falling asleep earlier than usual and most of the time with my kid in the bed while he sleeps on the couch. I am failing at being a wife.

Being at everyones beck and call all the time is consuming and difficult. You want to make everyone happy but someone always gets left out, including yourself. I haven't had my hair done. My car needs an oil change and to be washed. I haven't done any Christmas shopping and I've been living in the same sweats for the past two weeks. What is wrong with me? I can't seem to get it together. I can't even sit and watch a movie with my husband, or even talk over a cup of coffee. He feels bad and completely unloved or wanted.

I'm lost, losing hope and wanting someone else to tell me they are going through or have gone through the same thing because I don't know how much longer any one can take it.

You Irk Me

I am obviously not good at drawing, and I have never claimed to be. But there is this woman at work that I absolutely despise and I swear that is what her hair looks like. And her eyebrows. She actually looks just like that awful stick figure I drew. I know you have the same person you work with that you physically can not stand to look at or be in the same room with.

It's not that I really hate this person. I mean, if she was stranded on the side of the highway I might stop to help, maybe. I mean it would take every ounce of me to actually pull my car over, put it in park and get out to ask if she needed help...when really I would want to pull over, put my car in reverse and ram the shit out of her vehicle. But anyways...I would help, really I would.

It's the fact that this person, she just irks me in so many ways. Her hair is awful, her clothes are awful, and her kiss ass attitude makes me want to vomit in my coffee daily. So I avoid, I avoid like she has a contagious disease all over her body and getting within five feet of her I would contract it. I pretend we are in The Walking Dead and I must do everything possible to keep from contracting this illness that will bring me death and possibly make me eat other people. I use copy machines on the other side of the office, wait till she is done in the bathroom to go, and legit decline meetings if she will be present. And the funny part of all of this? She either knows and continues to try to be around me, or she is so fucking dumb she has no idea I dislike her so badly. Well bitch, you irk me and the only way for others to know is to post this awful picture of you and your yellow hair.

Get The Job

I recently sat down with a friend who has worked in Human Resources since she was in college. It's her calling, she's really good at it and I hate her for it. She can walk into a room and talk to anyone, about anything. She is not shy, she asks the right questions at the right times and she knows when you are bullshitting. I decided to ask her (without giving her name) some tips so that you land that job.

1. Be professional. Your clothes, your hair, your resume, your handbag, your everything! Don't show up to an interview for a corporate job dressed the same as you would to interview at a bar. It's common sense to most, but not to all. 

2. Don't wear blue nail polish, or black, just don't.

3. Arrive on time, or early! If you are late I am moving on to the next candidate. 

4. No gum, do not be chewing gum!

5. Make sure you know what the company does. What they stand for, what they offer, even in the cliffs notes version, do your research.

6. Don't lie about what you've done in previous jobs. I will ask you questions and I will know by your response or the look on your face that you do not have that skill or ability. 

7. I don't want to see your boobs or your tattoos, cover that shit up. 

8. Make sure you can walk in your heels. 

9. Dudes, shave that damn beard. I realize you think it's in style, but really it's gross and you might be carrying around a small dog in there, I have no clue, but I don't want to see it. 

10. Wear deodorant, a little perfume goes a long way. 


According to all the Fashion Bloggers I follow, leopard is in this season. I'm sorry, when did it go out? I have been wearing this shit for years and I love it, but please don't act like it is a new thing!
I have put some of my favorites below. I can't afford these items but maybe one of you can.

The Tunic

I am a huge fan of the tunic top. I wear these all week and especially on casual Fridays. Reason? Well they cover up that little bit of bloat you get from being a woman during certain times of the month, but also when I have had to much wine and I feel like shit, it covers that up too....well not my face, but then my clothes aren't tight and annoying which makes my hangover that much worse!

The Struggle Is Real

The struggle to be a good wife, mom and worker is really taking over my life.
The holidays are upon us already my son has been invited to five Halloween parties and one Thanksgiving party. Seriously people, stop inviting my kid everywhere unless you know him. There is a new rule at most schools, and obviously at mine, that every kid in class has to get an invitation or you can not invite anyone. We don't want kids to feel like out ya'll! What the hell is wrong with people? So no one is going to learn that we don't all get along? These kids shouldn't judge each other and shouldn't fight and they should all play but eventually they will gravitate towards the friends they want and that's okay! When my kid turns three, he will not be inviting the entire class! I will be the back handed mom who sends a text or email asking only those kids that he likes to come....well actually just the kids whose moms I like cause what the hell does a three year old know anyways?

Secondly, I am trying to be a better wife. This is becoming difficult but completely my fault. I have been slacking on cleaning and cooking. I just don't feel like doing it. I want to relax when I get home.
Maybe it's the fact that the holidays are pretty much here and I know I will be hosting at least 20 for Thanksgiving. So why should I start cleaning now? I will just wait till the week before. I mean that makes complete sense to me! I will start cooking some more next week when Blue Apron comes to my door! Whoot Whoot! So excited try it! I am going to try Blue Apron first, then Hello Fresh, then Plated. I will do a review on all in about three weeks. This will hopefully keep my husband happy.

And work? Well I am not doing much there but complaining about benefits and if I will be getting a raise. I hate it. I hate every minute of it, but gotta do it. Have to suck it up, smile and wait to see what happens in this damn election before I switch from this corporation I work for.

Thanks for letting me rant!

Yep, You Hate It

Yep, you hate your job.
I hate my job.
Let's all hate our jobs together!
Forbes tells us what to do though when we feel this way.
Read it.

Shoe Love

I was recently talking to a woman at work, who seriously has the best shoes I have ever seen. She loves shoes and it shows. She wears a different pair everyday and I swear she has them in every color you can think of. I asked her why. She said well, I love them, they always fit and they can add a pop of color to any outfit. She always looks flawless too....she was wearing a pair for blue suede heels that I would die to own (but can't afford) with a white dress and she just looked so put together.
If you are like me though, and love the look but can't afford the price, I found some that fit in every budget. Add that pop of color to your outfit, even at the office, trust me, another woman will appreciate it.

Zoning Out

Anyone else star off into space for at least a couple hours of the work day?
I know mine is more than a couple hours. Sometimes I feel like it's all day. Like when your driving and you forget how far you have actually driven or you suddenly say, how did I get here?
Apparently this can make you more productive. Read more here.

Being A Mom

I thought long and hard before writing this post.
It comes with a lot of questions and maybe some negative feedback.
So to start it off, I want to say I love my son. I love him more than I ever thought you could EVER love anyone. I loved him once I knew I was pregnant and then when he was born it was a rush of every feeling on earth holding him for the first time. I can't imagine life without him.

Everyone told me what it was like to give birth, but no one really tells you what happens later.
Yes, people said things will change, but no one really elaborated on that.

I was recently speaking to a friend who has no children but wants one. She is not married, dating a man who doesn't have the same outlook on kids and she is going to try to get pregnant without him knowing. She is going to lock him in, thinking that he doesn't know he wants kids, but if they have one he will change. This is so far from the truth! I don't know why people think this way. I have done my best to try to steer her away from this crazy plan but she has not listened. So what am I actually writing about? I want to tell everyone what is is like to actually be a mom (my view, maybe not yours, so if you want to say something feel free but these are my thoughts!).

Everything did change once my son was born.
My thoughts, feelings, future, everything was different.
Nothing was or is ever about me.
Everything is and will be about him.
My marriage suffered in the beginning, putting my son first proved to be a hard thing for my husband. I no longer cared about his thoughts or feelings or what he needed. I had to adjust to this and put my husband first when I could. It is still a daily challenge and I make sure that we have time for us without our son. Your partner will love your child, but it is a completely different love. Nothing is wrong with this, but once you are a mother you will know what I mean.
Your home is no longer your own. That pretty vase on the table will have to go away. You will have to baby proof everything, making it different to reach for items you need right away....if you are anything like me sometimes I can't even open those damn drawers!
You will no longer be able to come home from work, pour a glass of wine, listen to music and cook a leisurely dinner. You will feel rushed, exhausted and cater to the babies appetite and not your own.
Your will learn to do a loud of laundry while making chicken nuggets and mac and cheese.
You will learn all the songs to cartoons and movies you watch over and over.
You will learn that bath time can take a lot of time and these moments are fleeting so you have to learn to put down your phone and relax. You will learn that wine is your friend.
You will no longer be staying up late to watch American Horror Story but instead once baby is asleep you will be doing the dishes, making lunches and hopefully taking a shower yourself.
You will learn that organization is key to survival and if you don't have everything you need written down or in a bag for the next day you will walk out of the house missing something.
Mornings come early. Coffee is essential and crucial to survival.
The bills have doubled. Car size increases, the electric bill is way more than you ever thought and insurance has gone through the roof. Diapers, juice, snacks, all of these things take up more than half of your cart space and half of your grocery budget.
Those cute boots I wanted for fall will never find their way into my closet because my little human needs new shoes for his growing feet.
For Christmas I am given restaurant gift cards and I would love to use them for a night out with my husband but we usually take it to go because by Friday night we just want to lay on the couch and do nothing.
Exhaustion is my middle name. Being a mom is the most exhausting job in the entire world.
Saturday mornings are now cleaning, cooking and trying to go somewhere but it taking two hours to get ready so we just stay home.
I long for friends. Ones that know what I am going through and can relate. Though I know I have a few, we barely talk. Between working, having a baby, a needy husband, school, sports, schedules, no one really gets together like they used to.
I feel as if I have failed everyday. My home is never as clean as I want it to be. I don't have the body I think my husband wants and I don't feel as good as I probably could.

Is it worth it? Yes. Ten times yes. But I wish I had been more prepared. I wish I would have loved the body I had in my youth. I wish I would have spent more time loving on my husband. I wish I had traveled more. I wish I had appreciated the little things (like crapping alone). I wish I had gone out more, been a better friend, and just enjoyed life. But regardless of all these things, being a mom is the best job I have ever had. Props to moms that do it alone, I couldn't imagine! Props to all the moms out there. You are truly my heroes!

Never Wear To Work

The 11 items you should never wear the work!

Bunch of Morons

When you work the same job day in and day out you become immune sometimes to how things work. You just do those things, with no question, because you do them everyday. The same email requests, the same telephone calls, you answer the same questions and give the same answers day in and day out.
So when you work very close to someone and they seem to never know the answer to a simple question, the same question they are asked daily, you tend to wonder, how the fuck do you keep your job? And I definitely work wth a bunch of fucking morons.
Seriously! I can't even really explain without sounding like a raging bitch, how dumb some people are. And I can almost guarantee they make more money than me!
Does my own manager know how to do my job? Probably not. Moron.
Does the person who does the same job as me even know how to do my job? Probably not. Moron.
Does the person who asked me the same question they asked me yesterday even know what they are talking about? Probably not. Moron.
Corporate America is difficult. And at times just annoying. People are hired based on looks or first impression rather than their resume. They are hired based on who they know, not what they know. And no one even cares if they are educated. If you dropped out of college a few semesters short of graduating, you might be a moron. Sorry, but that is what I work with. People who gave excuses as the why they couldn't go to school or finish. When in reality, their excuses are partying, traveling and just having a damn good time. Well now we are paying the price, because you are a moron!
That's a rant and off topic a little, but I deal with it, I see it every day and I am just overly annoyed by it!

I Hate You

Is anyone else super excited about the fact that the Scream Queens are back? I am well over thirty years old and I love this fucking show! I drink wine, I put the kid to bed and I binge watch on the weekends.....catching up on season one so that when it's raining this weekend I can sit and watch the new season while drinking more wine, eating lots of cheese and just being a lazy piece of shit for hours. Anyone else?

Let's Be Nice

I have been told, let's be nice.
Everyone tells me, let's be nice.
Well sometimes I don't want to be nice.
Especially when you are just a moron.
You have no idea what you are doing.
I have no idea how you get out of bed and function on a daily basis.
I can't always be nice.
I just can't.
Sometimes, I want to just go into a rage and yell at you like Michael from The Office.
So in order for me to survive work on a daily basis when I have to deal with you, I ignore you, I make faces behind your back and I go home and drink a lot wine.
And next time someone tells me to be nice, I am going to flip the fuck out.

BAD Office Attire

I will be posting a lot about what I believe is inappropriate office attire. I see this everyday and I will have to update you often on what the latest issues are. I work with a lot of women, a lot. We all have our own style and because we are all different ages we never have to worry about coming to work wearing the same sweater or shoes. But some of these women, they really stand out, and not in a good way.

Let's take a minute to break down the fashion mistakes that are made in the office EVERYDAY.
  • The Tight Button Down. You know what I'm talking about! Girl, those buttons are hanging on for dear life! Go up a size!
  • The Skirt That is WAY to Short. Do I need to elaborate here?
  • Bare Legs in Winter. No excuses for this...Walgreens, CVS and Rite-Aid all sell tights and I am pretty sure most of you pass one of these places on your way to work.
  • The Low V-Neck Top. We all know you had a boob job, Good For You! But we don't need to see your cleavage every damn day. Cover that shit up, I am pretty sure you will have plenty of time to show them off this weekend when your making bad choices.
  • The Wrinkled Outfit. Take a few minutes and iron your shirt! Seriously, you look like a teenager who rolled out of bed ten minutes before class.
  • Neon Anything. Just don't do it. Not in a corporate office. Leave that yellow skirt at home. And it's not just the color that is bad, the skirt is ugly and looks ridiculous.
  • Shoes That You Can't Walk In. If you sound like a donkey when you walk in them, you probably shouldn't wear them.
  • To Much Make Up. Just stop, please stop, you are not at the club.
  • Wet Hair. You're just being lazy. If you can't get up for work on time, please just show up late with DRY hair.
  • To Much Perfume. We can still smell the cigarettes and booze from the night before, so the extra perfume you just sprayed in the bathroom makes you smell extra bad. Maybe you should shower instead.
  • Like I said, I will probably have to update this list once someone else makes a fashion mistake, which I am sure will be tomorrow.

    I also hear a lot of women complain that we do sit in a cubicle every day so why should we have to follow a dress code...well I think that's because many people do all the above and no one wants to see it. We are supposed to be professional! Also, I did a post on dressing on a budget here. I realize that we can't all afford to wear designer or buy expensive clothes, there are alternatives out there!

    This Sucks

    Climbing the corporate ladder sucks.

    When Michael Kanellos--CNET News editor-at-large--asked me to do this blog, he said, among other things, "people spend their whole lives bitching about work and yet we never read about it." 
    "Well, yeah, that's true, but I want to write about dysfunctional executives and companies," I complained. "You know, I want to write about train wrecks." 
    "Sure, you can do that too," he said, the way an adult appeases a whining child. "But I'm telling you, focusing on career and management will be cool. You know the topic, you can be funny about it, and people care about it, yet mainstream media pays almost no attention to it."
    As I sat there, pondering the apparent wisdom of his idea, Michael delivered his coup de grace: "Climbing the ladder sucks and everyone is obsessed with it, yet few speak out on it."
    Wow, I thought, ain't that the truth. Perceptive guy, that Kanellos. KEEP READING...


    Am I delusional? How the hell do bloggers afford $500 shoes? And dresses? And $3000 handbags? I can't even pay my daycare bill without having a small heart attack. I am aware that they do get items for free, but not all these items. Not ever blogger is getting that new Celine handbag.
    And how do they travel every fucking weekend? I'm sorry but its just not possible that all these girls are getting comped vacations and sometimes to the same cities. I don't get it. Or maybe I am missing something? I have mad money off of blogging in the past and have had a seriously following which helped, but I still could not afford the type of lifestyle these girls are leading. And I say girl because these are not women. Sorry, but a grown woman does not act that way on snapchat. And grown woman don't use snapchat to walk around new cities or talk about their finances.
    I say all of this while I write this blog BUT I do not show pictures of myself eating out, or my son playing in the pool or anything that relates to my daily life because I do have a full time job that I do need to keep. Blogging is not my way of life or my income...and it couldn't be because I don't believe it would be in the amount of income actually needed to survive. How the FUCK do these bloggers do it? Daddy's money? Selling items given for free? Sugar daddies?

    Bikini Season Part 2

    In The Buff

    Wear To Work

    I feel like I am always posting the same thing...what you should or should not wear to the office.
    But still everyday the same people wear the same inappropriate stuff.
    And they never change. And they just don't get it. But they aren't reading my blog so how can I fault them entirely.
    Here is a good read in case you are still wondering.
    What You Can (and Can't) Wear to Work

    Bikini Season

    As a mom I probably couldn't, or shouldn't, wear the bikinis below but it is nice to look. And remember when I had that body and I wish I would have appreciated it more!

    Office Sex

    We spend more time in our lives with the people at work than we do with our own families.
    Because of this, more and more people are having sex in the workplace.
    Think I'm joking? Look at these statistics.

    In 2015, in Europe and America, sexually expressed tension is accepted at work. Still, it is not accepted by all people. Many still want to keep work purely professional. If this is the case, it often has the major negative impact on work dynamics. In more extreme cases, flirting can be seen as sexual harassment. If this is the perception, you can quickly find yourself in deep shit. (READ MORE HERE)
    What we are seeing is that more and more people eventually accept the idea of sex on the job. As more people feel freer to express impulses, more people feel insulted.Sexual harassment, therefore, have a tendency to increase.
    Major findings from the survey:
    • 85% say that colleagues should be allowed to have sex
    • 90% say yes to sex between colleagues that don’t work together
    • Only 36% think that sex with subordinates should be allowed
    • 92% said that your relationship with your colleague shouldn’t involve HR
    • 85% have dreamed of having sex with a colleague
    • 90% have been sexually attracted to a colleague
    • 64% have been hit on by a colleague and
    • 51% have wanted to have a sexual relationship with a colleague
    • 54% have had sex with a colleague
    • 54% have had sex with multiple colleagues over the years
    • 49% have had sex at the office
    • 90% are glad they had sex with colleagues and
    • 90% said that sex had either positive or no effect on work


    My love of J.Crew has increased due to the fact that they have offered Free Shipping and extra percentage off....and the J.Crew Factory online has been even better! I'm still waiting on some of my items to come (free shipping means slower service but I don't care!!). 

    Body Odor

    In case you need the definition....

    Body Odor -
    1. the smell of the human body, especially when unpleasant.

      Let's talk about the fact that at a certain age it is no longer okay for you to smell bad. I should not get into an elevator or stand behind you in line for coffee and smell your fucking body. I should not smell your scent. I should smell deodorant that is working or even you spraying to much cologne or perfume. I can stand that more than smelling your disgusting body odor. You fucking stink. Take care of yourself, take a shower, scrub the funk off your skin so that you don't smell like shit. 

      And maybe read this....5 Things Your Body Odor Says About You.  

    The Office Bathroom

    Oh the office bathroom.
    We all use it.
    And I am pretty sure at times we all hate it.
    If you don't know how to use the bathroom properly, here are some really great ideas.

    And then here are my observations from my own office.

    The office bathroom is a communal place, we all use it.
    So why are you constantly in there brushing your teeth? That's just gross, and mostly because someone else is in the stall taking a shit.
    A big shit apparently. One that was held in till you got to work that morning.
    Why do you wait till you get to work to take a fucking dump? I don't get it.
    So while you are in one stall taking a dump, your co-worker is standing at the sink brushing her teeth.
    That seems sanitary.
    Then when you're done, you spray the shit out of lysol to cover up the smell.
    Seriously people? The nasty smell of that damn spray is worse than your stinky shit.
    Then you try to play it off when another co-worker walks in, OMG, I can't believe how much it smells in here blah blah blah.
    We all know it was you, cause you do it all the damn time!
    And why do people have to go to the bathroom at the same time. Hey, let me stop by your desk and pick you up cause we need to go piss together! This is not a nightclub, you do not need a buddy, we do not piss in pairs for safety. Go pee alone.
    Also, if you could wash your fucking hands, not leave piss on the seat and wrap up your damn tampons so I don't see it in the trash that would be great. Thanks so much!


    Sometimes I dream of going out. You know like back in your twenties when you worked a job you didn't care about and you used all your money for clothes, shoes and booze.
    Friday nights were calling each of your friends, meeting at someones house and taking a cab to go out on the "town". Anyone else remember this and miss it?
    I think back and I had a hell of a time. We would pregame at someones apartment, watch Sex and the City till 10, then meet up with all are favorite people to get wasted. We would pay to much for drinks, eat taco bell late at night and wake up on each others couches. And to think about doing it now? Well let's see....First, I would have to find a sitter, that means about $50 for one night, and staying out past midnight is out of the question. Since I can't stomach most alcohol after having a kid, I would be drinking wine, which limits my places to go. I have to take twice as much time to get ready because my skin and hair is no longer shiney and new, it's old and grey, seriously, I might have to do a root touch up before leaving. And what about clothes? What the fuck am I going to wear? I don't even know what's in style unless I look at a fashion blog and seriously, I can't deal with the rock studs anymore.
    So really, I dream about going out. I dream about the fact that it used to be easy and fun. Now it's so much work I would rather sit on my couch, watch Netflix and drink my own wine. And pass out on my own couch, at a reasonable hour. Because the kid doesn't care if I am hungover or tired, he will still be up at 6am on Saturday.
    And what ever happened to those people I did go out with? Where are they now?

    Nordstrom Sale



    This article is actually one you need to read asap!!!


    As blatant as some of the “problems” were and as obvious as it was that a situation was definitely going on outside of me and causing me a lot of stress, the only thing that created my misery was my interpretation of that problem.
    Do you ever notice the constant mind-bending and twisted chatter that goes on in your head every minute of the day?
    Someone walks in your office and says something quite off-putting to you. Or a raise was promised and not delivered. That is the situation. The problem is now you and the voice in your head that talks non-stop about it for hours, days, weeks, and even months or years. The voice interprets what that situation actually means to you and can’t shut up about it!

    Let's Dream

    Let's dream about tan lines, salty lips, coconut oil, frozen drinks and sexy beach hair. 


    I had this moment at work today that made me want to walk out. Just leave. Not give notice and just walk out. But I stopped myself and counted to ten and walked around and sat back down and remembered some things. I need the money, the insurance and I can't just leave...I would at least have to give notice.

    But if you are thinking of quitting, you should make ask yourself some questions.
    I saw this on Instagram and I have to share.
    10 Questions to Ask Before Quitting Your Job.

    The Games We Play

    To climb the Corporate Ladder you have to play the game.
    If you don't play the game, you won't go anywhere.
    I know this for a fact, because I will not be going anywhere.
    I will be at the same job in my company, no matter how hard I work, no matter how late I stay, no matter how much praise I get by certain people...if I am not kissing the right ass and playing their game, I will not be going anywhere.
    Photo Source

    It's definitely a hard lesson to learn. You believe your work should speak for itself.
    You believe you shouldn't have to say how great you are, somebody should notice that and praise your efforts. You believe working hard and helping others in their work will make you noticeable without having to say LOOK AT ME. It's difficult to wrap your head around the fact that this is not how the corporate system works.

    So what to do? Do I start kissing that corporate ass that I really have no respect for?
    Do I tell someone hello every morning even though looking at them makes me want to vomit?
    Should I ask someone to go to lunch that I seriously have nothing in common with so that the next time "that manager" asks how I am doing they can say, she is great! What a nice person she is! I love having her in the office! Seriously makes me sick thinking about it.

    Do I take what I do know about myself and change it completely?
    Do I stop being who I am for a company that doesn't allow me to grow and be great just because I am not the biggest kiss ass?

    Florida Keys Vacation

    I talked recently about my upcoming much needed vacation to the Florida Keys. I received some great feed back from you all, thank you so much! Now I just need to narrow down places to stay.
    Here are a few of the options I am considering. 

    I noticed this resort on Instagram a couple of days ago. The beautiful and fun people seem to stay here. I also notice a few locals frequent the bar and pool which makes me feel like it must be a great place to stay!

    Photo From TripAdvisor 

    The pool at this place makes me want to stay forever. Not to mention the Tiki Bar and the fact that it seems a little bit away from the downtown night life. Which would be good when we just feel like relaxing. 
    Photo From The Inn At Key West 

    This hotel came highly recommended if we want to stay right off Duval Street. Tucked in the trees, this place has daily happy hour by the pool and the rooms look beautiful!
    Photo From TripAdvisor 

    This place is a little different but looks excellent. Having our own kitchen would be great! Especially to have a fridge to store leftovers and drinks. I have one friend who stayed during a wedding and said it was easy walking distance to the best places on Duval Street. 
    Photo From Rose Lane Villas 

    The Good Days

    In the wake of these recent killings. mass terror attacks and just all around craziness of our world, I felt compelled to write something from my heart, so here it goes...

    I grew up poor. We lived in an old home that my father fixed up as much as he could in between working two jobs. My mom stayed home with us. We were always clothed and our bellies full, but there is something to say about the way I was raised that made me a better person.
    I did not grow up with the nicest clothes.
    I did not have a room to myself. My shoes were used. My mother shopped at Goodwill.
    My parents grew a garden of fresh vegetables. We ate whatever meat was on sale that week.
    We did not own a TV. We did not play video games. We grew up listening to music, mostly on a record player. We knew our cousins and they were with us constantly. We did not go out on the weekends, we stayed home. We drank from the hose, we played outside till it was dark, and we ate what was given to us. We did not have a choice when it came to dinner time, you ate or you starved.
    We were dirty but happy. We were blissfully unaware of what it was like at others homes because unlike today, we did not have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Blogger.
    Your life was what you made it and it was based on what you were taught and not what you saw.
    You respected your elders, and if you did not address someone by name or sir or ma'am, you got smacked in the mouth.
    You were taught to respect the police and anyone in a uniform. You were told to make eye contact and to not disrespect anyone.
    There was a sense of community. There was a sense of love without saying I Love You.
    People showed up for one another.
    People took care of each other.
    We depended on one another for help and it was given and received without question.
    When a neighbor took a trip to the store, it was yelling over the fence do you need anything.
    No one cared what kind of car your drove or if you just bought a $500 purse. They cared that you were feeling well. They watched your home when you were on vacation.
    They helped when you sick. They came to birthday parties and anniversaries and showers without a gift because they weren't needed, just being there was enough. You called and talked on the phone or showed up at someones house, you did not text or Facebook an invite.

    I realize the times have changed. We are a different America. We are no longer worried about our neighbor but more about what clothes and shoes we should buy to make us appear more valuable to someone else. I am guilty myself. We no longer respect police officers, we think they are the enemy. We share stories on Facebook and give our opinions based on feelings, not facts.

    This new generation, this new America, it's not okay.

    Maybe we should stop sharing the hate videos and start sharing ones involving love and lessons.
    Instead of spending days trapped on social media, we should be giving back to our community. Meeting one another, loving one another, not discriminating based on race. Teach our children what the flag means, what the police actually do for us, what a man in uniform has given so that we are free to run in our backyards and drink from a hose.

    Rose All Day

    Sometimes being a mom can really wear on your nerves. Love my kid, but damn it's true that they make you so tired and worn out that you just need to relax. Put working a job I hate all day on top of that, and I really need something to help me relax! My relaxing is having a glass of wine. I have at least one a day. I know, I know, everyday! Well yes, I have one every day. I have read that this is acceptable, or maybe I am just telling myself that to justify the glass...but damn it, I deserve it! I have a few different kinds that I love right now. Wanted to share in case you need a glass after a long day.

    Top 6 Rose
    Top Cab Sav

    Feeling Bad

    I was driving to work this morning and I got an overwhelming feeling of guilt and unhappiness. I immediately started to cry. Sitting in rush hour traffic, balling my eyes out. I couldn't even control it, the water works were on and they wouldn't stop. But why?
    I think this has been building up for weeks, maybe even months. I seriously hate my job which is effecting my everyday life at this point. I am unhappy, miserable even, for the eight hours a day I sit at my desk. I feel bad every time I drop my son off at daycare because I could be spending my day with him, and even though he doesn't know what I am talking about half the time, he would be completely more enjoyable than the people I currently work with.
    I hate that it has come to this. I hate that I don't like the environment I work in. I hate that I don't like the people. And I hate that I can't change it. You can't change other people. You can't change Corporate America. I can't do anything but work and try to find another job. I can't quit, I really can't. As much as my emotional stability and health are teetering on the edge of a fucking cliff, I have to have that paycheck. That stupid fucking paycheck controls me.
    So I cried this morning. I let it all out on my way to the fucking job that I hate. And before I walked into that office I made sure my face looked fine, because at the end of the day, I don't really want them to know how much they all have control over me.

    Sex and the City

    I am obsessed with this show, and just as obsessed as I was years ago. When my girlfriends and I were all single and we would watch the show at night after going out or binge watch when we were hung over on Sunday morning.
    Sometimes I watch and rewatch, even though I know what will be said and what will happen next.
    I love this damn show!
    But also, just realized someone started an Instagram about all the outfits on the show. Genius!

    I sometimes wish that after college I had moved to New York, found some friends and lived the way these ladies did. Well....had sex like Samantha, a job like Miranda, an apartment like Charlotte and dressed like Carrie. So maybe a little different but I would have loved to drink cosmos and smoke cigs and have brunch every Sunday. Here's to the dream of being ten years younger and being single!


    Target has been in the news lately because of the bathroom controversy. I had to use this page to say I DON'T CARE WHAT BATHROOM YOU USE. I seriously don't, because to be perfectly honest, I have maybe used the bathroom at Target once in the last 5 years! I am not worried about who is pissing where, I am more worried about shopping....and buying things I don't need that have red tags and are on the end aisles. Can we all just shut up and be happy that we actually have the ability to choose where we shop? If you don't like it, go to Wal-Mart. But please, just shut up about it, it's really not the most important thing we should be discussing these days.