I think at one time or another we have all HATED our jobs. We don't want to wake up in the morning, go sit in a cubicle and work for other people. We don't want to answer your stupid questions about our timesheets or what we are working on. And we definitely do not want to put on a fake smile and pretend that we like every other person in the office. Right now, I hate my job. Really hate my job. I hate the work that I do, I hate answering to people who are fucking idiots and I hate most of the people I work with. I wonder sometimes how I got to this place? I have worked for the same company for over 15 years but have had many different positions. Now let's be honest, I am not curing cancer or doing anything that is worthwhile. I can't tell you that what I do will change lives because it won't. I don't bring any good into this world with the job that I do. I just collect a paycheck and leave every day with a paycheck. So what do I really hate about it? The specifics....the fucking cubicle I sit in. It's like a small prison that I spend eight hours a day in. Most of the people I work with I hate. They are all stupid. They have no common sense. They make me want to punch them in the face when they open their mouths. But what I really hate is MANAGEMENT! Let me gripe about this for a minute.
In corporate America it seems that there is one thing that gets you ahead, and that is favoritism. I know that it's not always the case, but more often than not, it's the kiss ass that gets ahead and its the kiss ass that ends up being my manager. They eat sleep and breath the big bosses ideas. They KISS ASS every damn chance they get and more often than not, they have no idea what they are doing. They can't give you proper reviews because they don't even know what you do every day. They travel from site to site and spend corporate dollars on rental cars and hotels and dinners out but they can't seem to approve the vacation time you would like to take. They are able to call in sick with no questions asked but god forbid your child is sick, that's the end of the world. They micro manage every damn thing you do, including when you have to take a piss and you aren't at your desk for them to ask a question they should already know the answer to. They get paid the big money and drive the nice cars while you live paycheck to paycheck and complete most of their work for them. Management blows, they really suck ass. I can't say enough about how much a HATE my current management. They are awful and since I am not a favorite, I will not be getting ahead. I will continue to live and work in this cubicle for another 15 years because at the end of the day, I have my own dignity I need to leave with everyday and I will not tell you your dress and heels are nice Mrs. Manager because really you look like a whore.