Social Media

Social Media lies to us. The people on Social Media lie to us.
We are all guilty of this. We look at pictures and think, that person is the perfect mom or wife or has the perfect life. But in reality, these people only show the pictures that come out well and never the bad things that happen. They are lying. Because if they were telling (or showing) the truth, they would show the pictures of their kids spilling their juice all over their new white kitchen, or the projectile vomit that happened when their kid had the flu, or the fact that their home is not always clean and their marriage is not perfect. They don't go out on dates every week, they don't cook homemade dinners and their kids are not always dressed perfectly.
Social Media has made us all forget the things that are important.
You don't need that new bag because a fashion blogger bought it (or was given it in hopes that if they flaunt it, then you and most of America will go spend the $500 price tag to get your own).
Your kids don't need those $50 moccasins, seriously they don't. You aren't cool because you got them, and especially if you put them on credit because you really can't afford them.
You don't need that lip gloss that costs $25 a tube, seriously?  Thats a full tank of gas in my car.
Am I being crazy to think this way? Why aren't more people saying, you know what....I don't need that. I don't need what you have because (1) I can't afford it (2) I don't even really like it (3) I could be spending that money on making memories instead of buying things.
Social Media is ruining what we once were, what we once thought.
Social Media is changing us...and not always for the better.

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